Her taunting had worked, though the enraged beast had still managed to catch the girl who hadn't moved fast enough. Eva's stomach turned as it flung the girl and charged at her afterward. Backing up she'd stumbled a little and lost her balance, enough so that had it not vanished right before it would have certainly trampled her.
Heart pounding, Eva ran over to the girl who'd been hit to find her unconscious but alive. It was then that the explosion of sound hit her ears and she flinched. This was more like the normal, every day sounds of the zoo except... more exotic. "It sounds... like the Nile valley here." The water buffalo- an ibis on the signpost. Eva had only visited there once briefly, but she was getting the feeling this fog was of an early magical origin.
"We should keep moving, if this is the habitat I think it's becoming we're in for a wild ride. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open." There were a lot of incredibly dangerous creatures native to Africa, magical and muggle alike and frankly the last thing Eva wanted to deal with today was a nundo or an erumpent, though she sure as hell hoped Oscar was comfortably confined to his cage. At least she could handle him without magic. Shouldering her pack again, Eva waited for everyone to group together before starting forward again.
Heart pounding, Eva ran over to the girl who'd been hit to find her unconscious but alive. It was then that the explosion of sound hit her ears and she flinched. This was more like the normal, every day sounds of the zoo except... more exotic. "It sounds... like the Nile valley here." The water buffalo- an ibis on the signpost. Eva had only visited there once briefly, but she was getting the feeling this fog was of an early magical origin.
"We should keep moving, if this is the habitat I think it's becoming we're in for a wild ride. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open." There were a lot of incredibly dangerous creatures native to Africa, magical and muggle alike and frankly the last thing Eva wanted to deal with today was a nundo or an erumpent, though she sure as hell hoped Oscar was comfortably confined to his cage. At least she could handle him without magic. Shouldering her pack again, Eva waited for everyone to group together before starting forward again.