Bonnie walked over to the office door, it was locked, damn. Oh well, an easy challenge. The wizard pulled out their wand "Alohomora" it was hardly stealthy on account of Bonnie's dogwood wand, but the door clicked open and Bonnie slipped in. The room was chaotic with stacks of books everywhere and in the centre was a desk with razors, glues and pieces of book waiting to be rebound.
Bonnie walked up and looked at half finished book that, some biography of a wealthy wizard, that was not their objective though today. Along side the table was a rack of books in various states of damage. Bonnie picked up the first one and began flipping though. Their eyes widened as they found it, a book that some miscreant had carefully sliced a page out of, very close to the spine and very hard to defect, but unless the recipe for trifle was half custard and half beef mince, it was clear.
"Mr Seacoal! Join me in my office please" The teen called out to her partner.
Millie Potts Toby Seacoal James Callum
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair