Frederick was a bit disappointed that his jibe at Miriam hadn't elicited any response, but he was used to her ignoring him whenever she couldn't think of something clever to say. The Lady Lepruchaun, however, was a new feature, and Frederick was decidedly against taking orders from her — mostly just because she had the audacity to assume she was in a position to give them, when they certainly hadn't ever gotten together as a group and voted on that.
Through both a desire to further annoy his sister-in-law and the idea that he might be inconveniencing Lady Lepruchan, he decided to follow Miriam towards the lake, leaving the rest of the group behind to deal with the noise. Probably neither were very dangerous in actuality — noises from unknown sources had become the norm when visibility only extended a few feet in front of one, and the lake... well, the lake was more worrying, but there was probably an explanation. Maybe the lack of light had caused some sort of algae to grow within the water that had turned it that color. Maybe it was full of eggs for whatever the next Biblical Plague visited upon the two towns would be. Or maybe it was poisoned, but it was hardly as though he planned on taking a bath in it.
Through both a desire to further annoy his sister-in-law and the idea that he might be inconveniencing Lady Lepruchan, he decided to follow Miriam towards the lake, leaving the rest of the group behind to deal with the noise. Probably neither were very dangerous in actuality — noises from unknown sources had become the norm when visibility only extended a few feet in front of one, and the lake... well, the lake was more worrying, but there was probably an explanation. Maybe the lack of light had caused some sort of algae to grow within the water that had turned it that color. Maybe it was full of eggs for whatever the next Biblical Plague visited upon the two towns would be. Or maybe it was poisoned, but it was hardly as though he planned on taking a bath in it.