He had his doubts that the water-cow-buffalo-whatever was particularly dangerous, even if it really was aggressive as the one woman had said. All the same, he decided not to make eye contact with it, it looked a little too bulky to take down easily even if it did happen to pose a serious threat of bodily harm. Anyway, there were more distracting things to pay attention to, like the bickering with the professor.
While the group had essentially dismissed him, his ego wasn't so easily bruised that he wanted nothing more to do with them and hoped the buffalo murdered the lot of them. He was trapped with them for however long this thing went on and it was probably true that if they ended up fighting each other they'd also end up maimed or dead. Neither option appealed to Spryly.
If he couldn't play leader, he could try peace maker. He was pretty good at talking people round, especially when his life or liberty depended upon it. "Oi Prof!" He sauntered over and flung an arm casually around the man's neck as he fell into step with him. "S'pose I want to get my apparation license 'cause I never got it at school, how would I go about that? Also, I don't actually know how to apparate, would you teach me once we're done 'ere?" He grinned lopsidedly. "Small problem though is I don' 'ave much in the way of money so I couldn't really pay you nothin' but that's no big deal, right? You must get loads from the ol' man at the castle!"
While the group had essentially dismissed him, his ego wasn't so easily bruised that he wanted nothing more to do with them and hoped the buffalo murdered the lot of them. He was trapped with them for however long this thing went on and it was probably true that if they ended up fighting each other they'd also end up maimed or dead. Neither option appealed to Spryly.
If he couldn't play leader, he could try peace maker. He was pretty good at talking people round, especially when his life or liberty depended upon it. "Oi Prof!" He sauntered over and flung an arm casually around the man's neck as he fell into step with him. "S'pose I want to get my apparation license 'cause I never got it at school, how would I go about that? Also, I don't actually know how to apparate, would you teach me once we're done 'ere?" He grinned lopsidedly. "Small problem though is I don' 'ave much in the way of money so I couldn't really pay you nothin' but that's no big deal, right? You must get loads from the ol' man at the castle!"

Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.