Bonnie giggled at the display of gallantry by Toby Seacoal "Aye, I bet you would protect me, but it might be best to save your underage duels for a better time yeah?". It wasnt that Bonnie didnt think it would be funny to watch the two first years duel, but they had literally left their chaperones outside the bookshop door waiting for them to come back out.
"And maybe we can find a better way than starting a whirlwind?" the teen laughed as they did a pirouette holding one of the books. Bonnie looked at the older ravenclaw girl and stopped pursing their lips together in a friendly expression that indicated they knew who they felt was their real intellectual adversary in this challenge.
-Toby Seacoal James Callum Millie Potts-
Bonnie is NB/GF but appears as a girl.
They/them ooc, she/they/he IC.
Anyone who knows them, knows they prefer to be called Blair