"I'll do it if no one else will!" Spryly stepped forward and turned to face the assembly, wondering as he did whether he was the youngest there. He had a sneaking suspicion that he was.
His personal reasons for taking part mostly involved hope of a really good monetary reward, a conveniently timed eviction, and the leveled playing field due to magic not working. He didn't think he was bad at magic but he certainly lacked a full education.
He wondered whether anyone would notice if he didn't know which direction was which. It was so foggy though, how could they blame him for going in the wrong direction? Not to mention, he'd never actually been to the Pod Gardens or whatever they were called. "I'll bet we find somethin' where the fog is thickest."
His personal reasons for taking part mostly involved hope of a really good monetary reward, a conveniently timed eviction, and the leveled playing field due to magic not working. He didn't think he was bad at magic but he certainly lacked a full education.
He wondered whether anyone would notice if he didn't know which direction was which. It was so foggy though, how could they blame him for going in the wrong direction? Not to mention, he'd never actually been to the Pod Gardens or whatever they were called. "I'll bet we find somethin' where the fog is thickest."
Eyeing up this magnificent set eh? MJ sold her soul to Satan's graphic designer. I wish he'd take mine too.