She'd been antsy the whole train ride from Hogsmeade to the station in Irvingly, twirling her wand between her fingers. She'd brought it along with her even though she knew it was all but useless. Her constant motion had likely annoyed the others but she hadn't stopped. She had however, put it away after getting of the train and as she followed after the seven others, trailing to the back.
Eyes flickered around the group, looking over each member as if she was judging their worth. She knew but three of the faces - one of which she had a nagging suspicion she'd seen before at Hogwarts, though she looked younger. Maybe straight at the age limit. None of the others she knew personally. Professor Darrow she knew from school - he'd been her teacher for seven years.
As they reached the church to see the caretaker sitting outside, she felt herself go tense. It only got worse when he said something was in there. "Something or someone?" she asked. She wasn't sure which she'd prefer.
Eyes flickered around the group, looking over each member as if she was judging their worth. She knew but three of the faces - one of which she had a nagging suspicion she'd seen before at Hogwarts, though she looked younger. Maybe straight at the age limit. None of the others she knew personally. Professor Darrow she knew from school - he'd been her teacher for seven years.
As they reached the church to see the caretaker sitting outside, she felt herself go tense. It only got worse when he said something was in there. "Something or someone?" she asked. She wasn't sure which she'd prefer.
speaks with a dutch accent!