It was nice to hear laughter again, and Thaddeus cracked a grin, feeling as carefree as one could in the midst of a magic-sapping fog. Why hadn't he sought out Percy sooner? Perhaps he had been slightly remiss in hiding away at the Museum constantly. He truly had forgotten what it felt like to not be worrying about work, an empty house, or the caretaking of Josephine's grave. It felt liberating, perhaps even a little exhilarating...
And then Thaddeus came crashing back down to reality. His brow furrowed in concern as he looked his friend over critically. Percy did look a little more worse for the wear than usual... Thaddeus frowned, shaking his head. "Yes, I hardly think now is the time for exhibit planning. Far larger things are afoot, I'm afraid, though I hardly know what they are." He peered off into the fog, ruminating on this new information about vampires, gathering his thoughts to himself before returning to the conversation at hand.
"I wonder if there is some sort of connection between vampires and the fog itself; does it not seem odd to you that the fog has centered on Hogsmeade and Irvingly, but not appeared in London at all? One would think that it was an attack on the places with the highest concentration of magic--of course assuming that the fog is a construction and not a naturally occurring magical phenomenon."