Watching her intently, Charles saw the slight wobble as she stood up. She’d been drinking. Mentally sighing, Charles shook his head at her words, “Of course it isn’t necessary,” He agreed as he held out his arm for her to link her own with, “But what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t get you home safe?”
A pretty terrible one, he thought. He wasn’t the kind to truly be a gentleman but he was not going to leave a drunk, crying woman alone in Hogsmeade in the middle of the night. If anything had happened to her, Charles would not forgive himself and the thought of that possibly brought up – if only for a brief moment – the temptation to down a bottle of rum.
“Where do you live? I’m not going to apparate you – I’d rather not splinch anyone. I’ll walk you.
A pretty terrible one, he thought. He wasn’t the kind to truly be a gentleman but he was not going to leave a drunk, crying woman alone in Hogsmeade in the middle of the night. If anything had happened to her, Charles would not forgive himself and the thought of that possibly brought up – if only for a brief moment – the temptation to down a bottle of rum.
“Where do you live? I’m not going to apparate you – I’d rather not splinch anyone. I’ll walk you.