Jude snorted, lifting his hands up in disbelief as if to say what kind of a question is that? "Sorry, how often do you come across the personification of Liberty in your life?" He could see the appeal of liberty - obviously - as an ideal, but it was an ideal and that was the point. Certainly, he instantly liked people more if they subscribed to it, but even Jude didn't think that could be the only reason to fall for someone, and anyway, the institution of marriage had more flaws than merits. As for paintings or personifications of Liberty, a more basic problem of appeal existed there, one that presented itself plainly with her bare breast.
They were only teasing him, he knew, and he suspected it was partially his fault for making himself an easy target. "But no, not even her." He gave them a sigh and a shake of his head, glancing between them and ignoring the temptation to slip into a smile as best he could. "I expect even Esteban'll be married before I ever am," Jude added with a pointed look - on the one hand fairly certain it was an unlikely truth, and on the other, making a calculated attempt to deflect the topic of conversation to, preferably, someone that wasn't him. Esteban was the quidditch star, after all, and he certainly paid people attention.
They were only teasing him, he knew, and he suspected it was partially his fault for making himself an easy target. "But no, not even her." He gave them a sigh and a shake of his head, glancing between them and ignoring the temptation to slip into a smile as best he could. "I expect even Esteban'll be married before I ever am," Jude added with a pointed look - on the one hand fairly certain it was an unlikely truth, and on the other, making a calculated attempt to deflect the topic of conversation to, preferably, someone that wasn't him. Esteban was the quidditch star, after all, and he certainly paid people attention.