Lilian wasn't injured. Dimly she could remember flinching as something collided with her face and afterwards one of the healers had been very insistent about bandaging her arm but she was fine really. In fact the only pain that penetrated the haze of her shock was shame. After reaching for her wand and finding it useful, all the right thoughts had run through her head: Run. Hide. Help them. Get out. Only her body hadn’t obeyed and she’d just stood there, numb, until the building basically collapsed around her. She’d been worse than useless.
She lay quietly on her stretcher. The whole thing was overkill, she was fine, but she wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to go home. As her adrenaline and shock faded a dull throbbing pain started on the side of her face and down along her right arm and made her wince. Perhaps she wasn’t quite as fine as she thought.
Just wanting some sense of order back in the world Lilian walked over to the man who’d pulled her from the building on trembling legs. Or she thought it was him; the whole thing had been a blur.
“Thank-you,” she said lamely. The words seemed inadequate given she should be crushed under the remains of Honeydukes right now.
She lay quietly on her stretcher. The whole thing was overkill, she was fine, but she wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to go home. As her adrenaline and shock faded a dull throbbing pain started on the side of her face and down along her right arm and made her wince. Perhaps she wasn’t quite as fine as she thought.
Just wanting some sense of order back in the world Lilian walked over to the man who’d pulled her from the building on trembling legs. Or she thought it was him; the whole thing had been a blur.
“Thank-you,” she said lamely. The words seemed inadequate given she should be crushed under the remains of Honeydukes right now.