Ah, still unmarried — and unattached, as far as he was aware. She had stayed out of the gossip magazines. It was likely she was not courting anyone, as Witch Weekly was incredibly diligent in reporting on such things. Elsie Beauregard was a pretty young woman. She had no reason that she shouldn't already be married, save for her wispy figure. Such things could be overlooked. Her features were delicate and her blue eyes quite large, a curiously attractive contrast.
Barnabas gazed at the hand atop the dog's head briefly before he returned his attention to the pen. Someone else had had a close relationship with her dog, as well. The comparison made him slightly uneasy.
"I am," He replied seriously, "A... friend recommended that I ought to get one. I've had a few run-ins lately with some canines and I thought that perhaps the suggestion was a good one. I've purchased books on the matter to study and up until this moment I felt quite prepared. They look so different than the sketches in the books. How can you tell their temperaments?"
Barnabas gazed at the hand atop the dog's head briefly before he returned his attention to the pen. Someone else had had a close relationship with her dog, as well. The comparison made him slightly uneasy.
"I am," He replied seriously, "A... friend recommended that I ought to get one. I've had a few run-ins lately with some canines and I thought that perhaps the suggestion was a good one. I've purchased books on the matter to study and up until this moment I felt quite prepared. They look so different than the sketches in the books. How can you tell their temperaments?"