(January 2, 2023 – 1:03 PM)Daffodil Potts Wrote: Regggg Tillie adores you
Harvey is a potential friend, a year ahead in Hufflepuff, but has worked in the quidditch industry since graduation! First as the PA to a team owner, now in the ministry department.
He would have been in Gemma's year at school. She was a Gryffindor but Gemma is Gemma and can befriend anyone. Like, anyone.
Might know Becks professionally?
Ohhhh. Well, we've talked xD But yes to all of this.
I'm sure he'd see Harvey a lot and pester him for "insider info" because he can?
I'd also be down for Gemma/Reg friendship haha. And now that she's back he can bug her to no end, and it will be beautiful.
Becks, yes. Done.
(January 2, 2023 – 6:09 PM)Fortitude Greengrass Wrote: I do not have much >>
Ford is slightly older and would have been at the Ministry while he was doing auror training, so there's some potential interaction as "fellow very young Ministry guys" but probably not much since I imagine auror training is pretty intense and they mostly stick to their own in-group.
Ohhh. Yes. My goal is to push him back into Auror training and see what happens lol. Could always run into him when he's trying to go back? Whenever that is.
(January 2, 2023 – 8:31 PM)Ginevra Blackwood Wrote: I think he and Ginevra Blackwood were the same school year - and she has her obvious quidditch connections. She almost certainly invites him to fun things.
I've realised everyone else is rather serious
Yes. Always down for Vera threads, and Reg likes quidditch things haha. Plus she knows both his cousins now, so might as well throw him into the mix for fun.
(January 7, 2023 – 8:51 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote: Okay so I already mentioned your new bff Theo, but forgot to throw you my other quidditchy people:
Augusta Robins is on the team his brother sponsors, come interview her, that'd be funny. xD
Yassine Bensouda coaches the magpies!
Tybalt Kirke used to play quidditch, still obsessed with sports, could always use friendsss.
HA. So he's SUPER bitter that Anthony is sponsoring a team and making him look biased xD So he'd probably be quite bitter interviewing her. He hates giving his team the publicity. Down for this awkwardness.
Ohhh. Yes. I'm sure he sees Reg a lot haha. I imagine he watches a lot of practices because he can?
And yes. Done. Let Reg just collect everyone as quidditch friends haha. They can play together for fun~
(January 7, 2023 – 9:15 PM)Faustus Prewett Wrote: Dammit thought I already posted here:
Malice Wakefield as a co-worker!
I have Faustus who would have not been there in '87 but would have likely heard about Reg's incident. Benedict Sterling would have been there though!
For potential hurls, Philomena Sprout is about the only one I think, though I'm not opposed to completely random hurling of my others xD
Yesss. I'm sure she'd scare him, but I mean, he also likes his job so they can snoop around and get in trouble together.
Ohhh. He's also friends with Felix xD which makes things awkward there haha. And oh, yes. Well, he'd want to avoid anyone who was there becauseee he'd embarrassed, but he can't get everything he likes.
Yes to Phie<3 Throw Mabel in too xD
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