Reginald Alderton |
24 | Ravenclaw '86 | UCHB | Sports Writer for The Daily Prophet ❧ Friends— Reg is pretty down to earth and friendly, although bookish, still likes to go out and find trouble. (Or well, trouble probably finds him.) People who run the UC circles or know him for Hogwarts would be friends. He's not necessarily a classist or a blood elitist, so would befriend MC people as well. Coworkers and people who work for the Daily Prophet are also potential friends; he's a sports writer, so anyone who plays quidditch should be very familiar (and perhaps a touch annoyed) with his face. ❧ Family— He's related to the Foxwood/Alderton/Dashwood clan, so come play with Reg. He likes family. Most of them at least. ❧ Hurls/Interests— Reg is thrilled his big brother is home to take a wife. Not sure what he's interested in, but definitely willing to find out. ❧ Other?— Always up for causing torment and drama. Reg was a part of the Auror Training Program in '87 and dropped out because someone got horribly injured and almost died because of him during a field exam. However, he's interested in trying again, and seeing how that fares for him. |