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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

(Step)Father May I?
May 23rd, 1888 — Lovegood House, Wellintgonshire

Abraxas Crabbe was resolved to get his way on this—not, as many children his age did, by being a brat, but by being entirely sensible regarding how he went about it. He had drafted a list of arguments as to why his stepfather should side with him (a list that was presently tucked under his left arm as the right moved to rap on the study door) and ensured his appearance was tidy before appearing at the study’s threshold. This, the elven-year-old had decided, would be as a business meeting—a business meeting at which he would come out ahead.

“Good afternoon, Uncle!” he offered brightly, but reservedly as he was invited in.

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   Orlando Lovegood
Orlando’s study had never been a refuge. Spending time with his family had never been a chore and so he had never felt the need, as some men did, to make it a foreboding place and had instead simply filled it with whatever books did not fit in the library. As a result, though it was not austere and off-putting, it was rather cramped and as such when his stepson came through the door Orlando could not immediately see him over a stack of potions books he had piled on his desk.

He did, however, look up from his adventure story, leaning sideways in his seat to glance around the tomes.

“Afternoon to you too Rex! What do you have there?”

The boy hesitated slightly. Abraxas had hoped to be able to offer some sort of preamble, but his stepfather had swiftly beaten him to the punch. After a beat, he offered the parchment.

“I have concluded that it would be suitable for me to get a cat,” he answered, parchment outstretched. “I have detailed my reasons here, in the hopes that you will come to the same conclusion.”

Taking the parchment offered up to him Orlando realised that though it wasn’t an extensive list exactly, it was indeed a list and he nodded politely towards the nearest seat. Reading through each point solemnly he lowered the paper and fixed his gaze upon his step-son, trying desperately not to smile.

“I agree with you entirely on the subject of toads, but are you sure you would not rather an owl? You argue your case wonderfully but an owl can become a loyal friend and a cat...well, they’re much more temperamental.”

“But a cat is cuddly” did not seem like the sort of argument a businessman would make, nor a young man on the cusp of attending Hogwarts for the first time, and so Abraxas bit it back.

“In that regard,” he challenged playfully instead, “a cat is more like a person—Uncle Andren can be quite temperamental when he loses a match, but you never suggest trading him in for an owl.”

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   Bella Scrimgeour, Elladora Black
Pressing his lips together in a vain attempt not to burst out laughing at the accuracy of his step-son’s statement Orlando instead nodded sagely, as though he were being given the wisdom of Socrates, however, try as he might, he could not stop the delight in his eyes.

“I doubt we’d get much of an owl for uncle Andren,” he commented drily. “And a cat couldn’t possibly be as untidy,” he added with a grin that fell ever so slightly when he glanced at the list again. He softened his voice, unable to quite believe that it was almost time for his step-son to leave home. “You know Rex, there’s no shame in missing us. We shall certainly miss you.”

He had done it—Rex could see that much in his stepfather’s eyes, even though the man attempted a sober expression. The lad did his best not to appear too overexcited, but laughed as Orlando joined in the joke.

“I didn’t say there was any shame in it,” he returned after a beat. He chose not to reveal that he would never admit missing his family to any of his peers. “It’s only that I should like to…to soften the blow. I’ve never been away from home before,” Abraxas reminded his guardian. The closest thing he’d ever been to alone was after his mother’s death, but with so large an extended family, loneliness had had to be worked at.

It was a small thing perhaps but the very thought that his step-son unequivocally thought of this house, of being part of this family, as being home filled Orlando with a joy he could not entirely describe. He had not been able to be the husband that Louisa had truly deserved and though his beautiful, obliging bride had never seemed to mind perhaps he could make up for it by being the father that Abraxas deserved instead?

“I quite understand, it is a big change but you’ll be settled in before you know it, surrounded by new friends,” he replied, making a conscious effort not to sound too condescending. “And a familiar to take with you,” he added after a moment, a smile breaking out.

The boy’s face broke into a broad grin.

“I would offer to name him after you,” Abraxas replied with a sly twinkle in his eye, ”but that’s rather a mouthful of a name for a cat.”

Grinning back Orlando reached over to squeeze Rex’s shoulder affectionately. “I won’t hold it against you as long as you promise not to name it after uncle Andren instead.” Leaning back in his chair he caught a flash of what might be in a few years – Rex older and wiser and hopefully still thinking of this house as his home and him, proud that he had helped his step-son become the young man he could be. It was a fine thought to dwell on.

“Shall we go tomorrow?”

"Tomorrow!" he exclaimed in agreement. By now, Abraxas was no longer even attempting to moderate his glee. After all, surely he could be childish sometimes, right?

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