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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

To my disappointment

April 2nd, 1888
Annabelle Scrimgeour,

You are most lucky your mother has been persuasive this day. I was within seconds of apparating to your aunt’s house and scolding you in person – though would you learn then? I think not. If your history thus far is anything to go by, it is a miracle I am even sending you this owl and not simply denying all knowledge of you ever existing; a thought, I am ashamed to admit, has crossed my mind more than I would care it to.

What in Merlin’s beard were you thinking? You have a lot of explaining to do. Who is this Mr. Crouch you were seen – unchaperoned might I add – drinking with. I am beyond disappointed with you.

I want a good reason why I ought not bring you home. Your aunt has been telling me that you have been settling in properly and, yet, why am I being made to write you? Because of this folly? It is abundantly clear to me you care not for your family. There is no other reason to are persistent in making sure you look a fool to everyone you encounter.

My blood is boiling thinking about my mudblood of a child – why are you like this?

I expect an owl within a few days or I will be seeing you in person.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour

The following 2 users Like Argus Scrimgeour's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Bella Scrimgeour

02 April, 1888
— Father —

I had no intention to end up drinking; it just happened that way! I can't believe that you would feed into such gossip as a man who claims to know better than everyone else! Mr. Crouch was a nice gentleman who did nothing ungentlemanly while in my presence, and it's not as if we were wandering around causing trouble! Please don't come here. It will only make things worse and you know that.

— Your Daughter —


02 April, 1888
— Father —

I know I'm a failure and you shouldn't have to come down to Dorset to express that opinion to me. You don't really want me at home, and you know that. Think of all the trouble I would cause my sister! How would she ever get married with me by her side?

Mr. Crouch's name is Reuben Crouch, and if you don't know that you're obviously not as knowledgeable as you claim. And this is coming from the man who was insistent that I marry another wealthy pureblooded man! You should see it as a good sign that I was in his company instead of a "mudblood".

— Obviously Not Araminta —

03 April, 1888
— Father —

I assure you it was not my intention to wind up drunk while in the very public presence of Mr. Crouch. I compel you to believe that I would never jeopardize the family — especially in a way that would garner such gossip.

Mr. Crouch is a troublemaker and I have absolutely no intentions to see him anytime soon. To do so would be to not only risk the family's reputation, but my own employment.

— Annabelle —


April 4th, 1888
Annabelle Scrimgeour,

Your assurance is as throwaway to me as… you the lies you spew in an attempt to… what? Subdue my anger toward your actions? Don’t treat me a fool, Annabelle. You know me far better than that.

And compel me to believe you would never do something to garner such gossip? I’m unsure if you’re read, Annabelle, and so far I’ve every inclination to believe you are not and if I am to update you, this gossip has been circulating and, irrespective as to the truth behind it - though as you are likely aware, there is no smoke without a flame - it will damage this family. Which, of course, is hardly surprising as you seem intent on destroying everything about this family – the family that birthed you and gave you a life.

You will not be seeing Mr. Crouch again, not anytime soon - at all. And I’ll be sure to speak with his family about what he has been getting up to. I’m certain they would be overjoyed to hear their son is cavorting with whatever it is you are anymore, Annabelle. Unless you can give me a reason not to speak with the Crouch family?

Also, with regard to your employment, know you are lucky to still be in employment. Know that can change at a moments notice. Do not continue to destroy your future as you have been.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour


04 April, 1888
— Father —

There is no way you could possibly end my career at St. Mungo's. If you dared tried, I'd disown all of you and burn down the Wellingtonshire home, but not before tying you to the bed so you could know what it feels like to burn in hell before you had to go there yourself.

— Annabelle —

05 April, 1888
— Father —

I have never knowingly caused damage to the family. If society feels that a woman of my status is choosing the wrong path of life by taking a healing occupation, it clearly needs to reevaluate its definition of an ideal woman. Besides, it's said that there were pranks at the fair; who knows if I didn't fall victim to one of those? I don't remember my drink having an improper amount of alcohol.

I don't understand why being seen with a gentleman is so very scandalous? I know I was unchaperoned, but I had just gotten off from work so of course I was unchaperoned, father — I don't have one waiting for me every time I get off. Contacting the Crouch family would reflect badly on us, because it would lead to the opinion that our family is full of gossips.

— Annabelle —


April 6th, 1888
Annabelle Scrimgeour,

Whether you have knowingly caused any damage to this family, Annabelle, is not relevant. Going unchaperoned to meet a man I have yet to meet - whom anyone has yet to meet - to drink is unacceptable and demands to be dealt with.

One sip was improper, Annabelle. You claim there is intellect within you yet as I write you, your words and actions thus far suggest otherwise.

You continue to disrespect me by questioning - no... arguing with me - about why acting a tom is how you ought to be behaving? Instead of accepting it was not right and apologising to me, something your sister would do without question, you remain insistent on continuing to anger me further.

Though, and I'm sure you are aware, this is certainly not something your sister would ever do - and most definitely not how she would behave.

You would be wise to learn from her.

And you are to try and argue with me on my actions?

Your mother pleads for me not to see you and yet I see it only prudent, given your dysfunctional behaviour, that I pay you a visit.

I expect an owl within a day.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour

07 April, 1888
— Father —

By no means did I go to meet Mr. Crouch at the fair! I can assure with complete sincerity that we simply crossed paths. And it was an Irish fair; there were plenty of other young ladies who tried some of the Irish whiskey.

Please do not come here. If every rumor spread about me contained complete truth, I would have been completely ousted by good society a long time ago.

— Annabelle —


April 8th, 1888
Annabelle Scrimgeour,

Those people aren't my daughter. I question sometimes as to whether you are, too, Annabelle.

I wonder more often than I ought to, though, as to whether your time in the hands of those Muggles really did dirty your blood? You act animalistic and foolish - no doubt because of the influence of those Muggles. What did they do to you?

Perhaps they are also why you seem incapable of apologising for your unruly behaviour.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour


08 April, 1888
— Father —

You ought to be careful about what you say in letters. If you were to bring me any harm, either physically or socially, I would have your own words to use in my defense.

— Bella —


09 April, 1888
— Father —

I'm astounded that you would print such vile words onto parchment, but sadly I'm not appalled that you believe in what you write. I would rather marry a poor muggle from the Hogsmeade than a man comparable to you. I may be an embarrassment to your family, but at least I'm not an embarrassment to wizardkind.

— Miss Scrimgeour —


09 April, 1888
— Father —

I firmly apologize for my actions and do not intend to cause anymore damage anytime soon. My behavior was unruly and wild, and inappropriate for any girl of my station and wealth. I hope you forgive me.

— Miss Scrimgeour —


April 10th, 1888

I trust you would keep your word and not act in that manner again.

I did not raise a harlot.

Your mother sends her regards.

Your father,


April 17th, 1888

I have been led to believe, despite my prior letters to you regarding this matter, that you have elected to ignore your father and meet with Mr. Crouch again.

I demand the truth before I visit you - and I can assure you it will not be a friendly social call.

Why must you continue to put unnecessary strain on this family, Annabelle? You'd do well to follow the footsteps of your sister for a spree - it would do you some good.

Whilst I have no doubts Mr. Crouch is a well-meaning man, your... adventures with him are not how you are to go about this.

I fear I may have been wrong in my last letter.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour

17 April, 1888
— Father —

I haven't any clue what you're speaking of. My acquaintanceship with Mr. Crouch by no means extends beyond that of which we previously discussed. I will not denying knowing him and of him, though by no means would I call him a friend or even a frequent acquaintance.

If there are truly any specific issues you feel the need to discuss, I will not hesitate to speak the truth.

— Annabelle —


April 18th, 1888
My daughter,

You ought learn some manners in how you write your father, Annabelle.

The tone you are writing me is not at all how a young lady should be. Though that is unsurprising; you are more like an urchin than a lady at this point.

You say you will speak the truth if I ask for specific details to which I must question now if you have been honest with me prior.

I won't lay claim to you being a child whom I can say I am proud of, Annabelle. Your behaviours thus far indicate to me that you do not seem to care either but I did not raise a liar. Your brother and sister would not lie to me so why do you feel it prudent to lie to me constantly?

Do you want to upset me and your mother with your... unsavoury ways?

I'll be visiting within a week. I've written your aunt already and she has notified me of your employment patterns.

I am tired of reading these lies and we have a lot to discuss.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour

Nota bene; your mother is adamant I send you this. She mentioned your handwriting needs improvement.

Attached to the letter is a new pewter quill with a glistening feather that appears to change colour when you hold it - supposedly signifying your mood as you write.


May 3rd, 1888

I'm writing you in the hopes this owl finds you.

Your mother is worried and wishes to see you. I'm sure you are aware my family is being investigated because you have elected to hide from civilisation without good reason.

I'm uncertain as to your thinking on hiding and hope you haven't decided to elope as rumours suggest but know that your actions are causing undue stress on this family.

My daughter - your sister - seems to be visibly worried and I cannot fathom why you would choose to do that to your own flesh and blood.

Return an owl to me so I can put your mother's heart at rest and confirm you haven't done anything untoward.

I await your response, Annabelle.

Your father,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour

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