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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
Simply Magical {NEWT DADA}
December 2nd, 1889 — Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Nikolai Sleptov had not been at his best since returning to the castle in September. Concerns over Eva's impending childbirth—she would, he was told, deliver early in the new year—and Petra's continued state of hovering between various phases in her life were dwarfed (though he could never admit as much aloud) by his disquiet at Rose's prolonged absence. With any luck, the wizard knew, he would hear news soon, but for now, it was an everlasting game of waiting.

Today, though, ought to put a smile upon his face.

"Though I can assure you that the British Ministry of Magic has an exemplary relationship with the dementors of our nation," the wizard continued his lesson on dementors, "it is nevertheless prudent that one should know how to defend themselves if at the...wrong end of such a creature. Do any of my sixth years know—or can any of my seventh years recall—the most effective way to deter a dementor?"

First hand can assume they're called on! Open to all NEWT-level Defence kids.
(@"Acacia Ruskin", Goodluck Warbeck, Sweetie Whitledge, Eldin Bones, October Lynch, Chrysanta Ruskin, Clementine Rookwood, Sherah Drago, Citrine Weasley, Sage Macnair, Cordelia Fawley, Justice Rookwood, et al!)

Happy Patronus season, everyone!

set by soph!
Seventh year was going as smoothly as it could be considering his responsibilities both in and outside the classroom. He'd worked to bring up some of his lower grades while also maintaining his good grades in his best classes—Defence Against the Dark Arts among them—so he wouldn't be struggling to catch up right before his NEWT examinations.

Rumors of a potential patronus demonstration swirling in the air, just as they did every year around the holiday season. Eldin had taken a mental note of what he needed to successfully cast one this year, but was not expecting to have to perform the spell in November until he heard the word "dementor" uttered from their professor's lips.

"With the patronus charm," Eldin answered, straightening himself in his chair ever so slightly.

Beat to the answer by the Head Boy, Sage cast his attention back onto the professor. It would be interesting to see whether or not he could produce a patrous when the time came for them to practice the spell. Sage couldn't think of any moment when he had been overly happy in a way that might produce one.

— set by lady! —
Citrine listened as the professor spoke. She certainly hoped that she would never need to be near a dementor. As Mister Bones answered the question, Citrine noted it down. She would have answered the same and she didn't have anything to add.

"Good memory, Mr. Bones," Nikolai affirmed for the head boy, "take five points for Slytherin."

He turned to write the words Patronus Charm on the blackboard behind him in thin, languid lettering. "Do record this," he directed the class. The quarter-hour that followed saw the professor narrating his inscription, his pupils—some more diligently than others—working quill upon parchment to capture the lecture notes.

At last satisfied, he turned to face his class once more.

"Of course, the theory behind the spell is one thing, but the performance of an advanced defensive charm is altogether something different," he concluded with a shrug. "As with most magic, however, it is best to begin with our incantation. Anyone?"

Once more, first hand gets called on!

set by soph!
She'd been waiting for this class ever since she'd learned from her mother what it was - not to mention how useful and difficult it was. Once they'd sat down and completed necessary beginning pleasantries, Cora riffled through her books to find the correct page once it was clear what Professor Sleptov had meant to teach today. She was so focused on finding the right book and her notes that the first question of the day came and went before she could put her hand in the air. She scrunched her nose slightly as Bones took the first answer of the day.

Nonetheless, she copied down the words 'Patronus Charm' in a hasty scrawl at the top of her page and waited as patiently as she could for the next answer. Soon it came and her hand shot into the air. "Expecto Patronum," she responded, though it wasn't as impressive at least to her. Everyone who knew what a Patronus charm was, knew the incantation. At least everyone who knew what a Patronus charm should know what the incantation was.

[Image: ShTkGQ.jpg]
"Indeed, Miss Fawley," Nikolai confirmed, the incantation scrawling itself on the blackboard behind him. "Five points for Gryffindor. It is not an easy spell by any measure, but one that you will be expected to successfully perform on your N.E.W.T.s. Expecto Patronum!"

The wizard made the complex spell look easy, a corporeal, silvery tufted deer leaping gracefully from the point of his wand. The false-creature sniffed at the air for a moment before a wave of Nik's wand caused it to vanish as quickly as it appeared.

"It is a spell you will spend the reminder of the hour endeavoring to perform."

It was as close to a get to work as the pupils were likely to get.

Please include in your first post the form below. In the case of the last point, omit the rest of the sheet ;) Each post should end with them casting the spell; results will be posted every few attempts. If you change memories later, please include the memory/and in the appropriate posts. See this thread if you’re confused!
[b]SKILL:[/b] General skill, with 1 being average (the lowest anyone would be in this NEWT course), 3 being “quite good”, and 5 being “can expect to get into the Auror program if they had the inkling”.  Most of you should be in the 1-3 range.
[b]CHARMS:[/b] What did you get on your charms OWL?
[b]MEMORY:[/b] The memory your character will be using.
[b]AND…[/b] 1-5 with five being “they will never be happier than in this memory” and 1 being “it was nice at the time”. 
[b]FORM:[/b] What your character’s patronus will be if successful! Select random if you want me to choose based on my knowledge of the character. They can change over time so it’s not permanent, but will probably stick until a Massive Event in your character’s life.
[b]PREVIOUSLY ON DADA:[/b] Include any results your character has had in the past for trying to accomplish this! Mostly for seventh years—sixth years haven’t been taught formally yet. Please link to the applicable post.

set by soph!
MEMORY: One of the times that she and Ignatius simply sat together and talked. About their families, their hopes for the future.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Throughout this thread. Posted a lot in it. Best was 13.5.
Her last year of Hogwarts, last year of practicing this charm on an official basis, and Acacia was nervous. Excited, but nervous. She wanted to do well, and was curious to see what her patronus was in the first place. If she was going to be a healer, she was going to have to focus more on her career than attempts at patronus making.

She took a moment to remember the stance, made corrections for which she could remember to make. And then, "Expecto Patronum."

The following 1 user Likes Acacia Darlington's post:
   Citrine Weasley

Magic by Elaine!

MEMORY: A vacation back when she was ten, the summer before her oldest siblings had gone to Hogwarts. Back when everything had been peaceful and the siblings were actually acting like siblings.
AND… 5
FORM: A black cat
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Throughout this thread. Posted a lot in it. Best was 17.5.
Sweetie had taken detailed notes from last time. Studied tirelessly from the moment she found out that they were going to be working on their patronus. She was determined, ready to see if she could actually conjure hers.

Sticking to the memory she was certain would work, she concentrated, took a deep breath, and, "Expecto Patronum."

MEMORY: Her mother braiding her hair. There's a conversation going on in the memory between the two of them, but her mother's laughter is the most striking part of the memory. It takes place not too long before her mother's death.
AND… 4
FORM: Random

Clementine sat rather quietly listening to Professor Sleptov describe the spell they were to be working on. She'd heard of it, of course, from older students working tirelessly on it in the common room. She carefully printed down a few notes and watched as a few seventh years got to work on their attempts. She took a few moments to consider which memory she was to summon up.

Her mother's laughter filled her head, and she tried to concentrate on it while she attempted the spell, "Expecto Patronum."

[Image: fuqNxWe.png]
MJ is the best!
Three of the young ladies proved to be rather chomping at the bit to begin, and Nik observed the efforts of each closely. Of the trio, only Miss Whitledge proved to find any success in her first attempt, producing a faint wisp of silver from the tip of her wand—if memory served (and it usually did), she had performed similarly, though not as swiftly, the year before.

"An excellent start, Miss Whitledge,", he offered encouragingly. "Take five points for Slytherin. The rest of you—continue trying, and be certain to focus!"

18 Wisp/21 Non-Cor/24 Corporeal
Repost "Memory" and "And" if changing your memory!

set by soph!
MEMORY: The response of his mother when he told her about being made prefect. It was likely the most positive response he'd ever gotten from her.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Nichole was site!dead last patronus thread

The permission for them to try the spell themselves was enough to draw his attention to the front. He'd failed to produce anything last year and the failure had been nagging him till this day. He hadn't been too concerned about the lecture- he'd been listening just enough to tell it was no different than the year before.

Excited, he summoned up his prepared memory and flicked his wand out. "Expecto patronium!" He felt the same rush he always felt when being allowed to have his hand at what was typically considered advance magic. Sleptov likely only humored them for this - most didn't succeed last year.

MEMORY: Potion-making day with her mother; her happiest day to date, as she admires her mother above all else and sees this day as her mother acknowledging her potential.
AND… 4
FORM: Random

"It is a spell you will spend the remainder of the hour endeavoring to perform."

Cora set her jaw. This wasn't the easiest spell - it wasn't likely that she'd walk out of the classroom knowing what form her Patronus would even take. When prompted, she took a breath and let herself relax. It was easy to think of which memory made her happiest. It was a most recent one too - for her 16th birthday, her mother had taken her shopping but not for clothes and laces; for potion ingredients and supplies. It was the day that Cora had been begging her mother for, and it couldn't have gone more perfectly in Cora's opinion. She'd gotten all the correct ingredients and answered all her mother's questions correctly. She'd made her mother proud, she was sure of it.

With a smile, she waved her wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

[Image: ShTkGQ.jpg]
MEMORY: Becoming prefect
AND… 3
FORM: Random
This was the moment that Sage had been waiting for, the practical part of the lesson. Sage couldn't really think of any specific overwhelmingly happy memory so he decided to go with when he had been named prefect. That knowledge that he had been given a dose of power and authority had been quite a rush. "Expecto patronum," he cast.

— set by lady! —
Another try, which was to be expected. The Ravenclaw looked around briefly, adjusted her stance, and, "Expecto Patronum."

Magic by Elaine!

An excellent start. Good. But she could do better. She would do better, if she could help it. Ever the determined young woman, a Slytherin at heart, she concentrated harder on her memory and the spell. "Expecto Patronum."

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