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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

breezy and bright
Asking about her interests, Bragi had expected to hear about embroidery and adventure novels and… oh, I don’t know… pushing her little brother around, or something like that. General hobbies expected from a young girl. But Miss Galloway spoke only of studies and school subjects, showing that her heart was still at Hogwarts. Bragi raked his mind, wondering if he’d heard of any scholarships or outside schooling she could take up…

”I’m building up a property portfolio in Bartonburg”, he explained, then clarified; ”I’m a landlord. And you know, Miss Galloway”, he hopped back a topic, ”there must be some scholarly opportunities for those as interested in academia as you are. Have you thought of applying for a tutor in the Daily Prophet, or the Post Office? Or having your father do it”, he added lamely.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa just never really planned her future head and she never had many hobbies at the beginning with. When she was younger it was to take care of her brother and be there for him even yeah he didn't survive this cruel world. After that, it was to survive everything that was thrown at her and then getting through Hogwarts but she needed that scholarship but that meant a lot of studying. She had no idea how to relax and just be herself. She might yes be still with her head in Hogwarts since it has just been a few days.

"Oh, that's nice. Well, good luck with that," she said with a small smile. She really didn't know much about that subject. "That could be possible but let's get through being midwife at first. My father wouldn't help me there really. We just don't get along. He is the reason why I didn't wanna stay indoors on my free day or near home even. We are just way too different," she said with a sigh. She knew that Bragi didn't know her past. Didn't know her father used to have drinking problems and lost his job. Also because him the baby brother of Elaisa isn't there anymore, basically food used to be a problem back then.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
It was something of a relief to finally see a smile grace the young lady’s face, and he returned it encouragingly. But then… oh, this was almost farcical; every time he reached out for positivity, the poor girl could only come back with a sigh and a sad response. But no, this was not literally farcical; this was someone’s life. It was not as if Miss Galloway was wallowing in the gutter begging for scraps, but her lot in life seemed so miserable compared to his.

”Well that’s… that’s quite fair enough”, he stammered quietly as she suggested it’d be best to focus on midwifery. ”I imagine midwives are treasured greatly by many families.”

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa is aware that her life has been disaster basically, she never had an easy life. Everything she has reached today is her hard work. She just doesn't see any other way to survive, she has to be strong always and not let her guard down easily. You never know when something might hurt her again. Not just physically but emotionally too. She has more emotional scars than physical ones.

The girl nodded her head there. "They are for sure. I will try my best being a good one and supportive. Even yeah it won't be easy," she said with a small smile. So far she loves the job and doesn't find it very hard. She is still learning her job but she basically knows what to do, all this somehow seems to come naturally for her. The girl was glad that Bragi didn't ask why she didn't get along with her father.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
Bragi nodded, feeling reassured that Miss Galloway did have some light in her life, and she was finding it in her burgeoning career.

He was about to ask how she’d found her calling in midwifery when suddenly he was distracted by some commotion along the path. A lady — still young, but older than the two teenagers — was taking a stroll alone in the park and had dropped her parasol. Upon leaning down to pick it up she’d found herself in tremendous difficulty — for she was extremely pregnant. She halted, leaning on her knees, breathless...

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa didn't expect the silence and when she looked over where Bragi lookings she noticed the young lady too, who had dropped her parasol. She took a deep breath and walked over there young woman. She figured she should try and help her. "Are you alright, miss?" she asked and was worried about her. She had noticed that this young woman was pregnant too.

She picked up the parasol for the woman and offered it to her. She figured she could at least do that. She hoped that everything was okay with her, she didn't really wanna hurry back to the hospital right now.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
Bragi watched nervously as the stranger bent double, and he took a few steps forward to help — but held back when Miss Galloway took the lead.

As the girl offered the parasol and concern to the older lady, the lady took the parasol tentatively only to bend forward again, an expression of great discomfort on her face. "I think... I think Timothy's coming... that's my son... I think he's... I think he's ready!" she gasped.

Bragi glanced between Miss Galloway and the mother-to-be, startled.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa listened to what the woman said and this made her be shocked. She didn't really expect this to happen. Even she was startled there for a second. "Oh, my god," she mumbled there now. She had never yet reached the birth her own since she is still learning then there has always been older midwife next to her. "Miss, then we should go to the hospital or somewhere safer than the middle of the park street. This place isn't really very good to give the birth," she said trying to stay the calm there now, even if she was freaking out. She tried her best to support her needs. "I'm apprentice midwife, so I know a bit about giving the birth and reaching it," she added.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
In quite a predicament, the pregnant lady reached for Miss Galloway’s hand and squeezed it, slightly reassured that she was an apprentice midwife, but still very uncomfortable. Contractions were beginning, and she was too panicked to move.

”Miss Galloway, is there anything I can do?” Bragi uttered, trying to keep his cool as he took a few more tentative steps forward.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa had never given birth at the park, so this was all new for her too. She looked at Bragi and took a deep breath there now. She looked back at the woman who squeezed her hand now. It was a bit of painful but she decided to bear it for now.

"Since seems like we won't reach a hospital on time. You could try call ambulance perhaps or inform St. Mungos somehow since yeah the hospital would need to care of them later on," she said there so calm as she could. At the same time, she tried to figure out how and where they supposed to have this baby. "Also we need some blankets or something, where we can wrap baby in later and some spot where she could have the baby," she added and took another deep breath. The girl was in a panic too but she knew she can't show it. She just had never done it her own.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
Bragi remembered wildly that a lady had given birth in one of the novels he'd read, but that had been an incredibly tacit affair. The story would be no use here. But Bragi himself wanted to be of some use, and the secretive young midwife before him could tell him how.

Call an ambulance, inform St Mungo's, get blankets, find somewhere soft... this was a lot of things, and the lad had no idea where to start. Did muggle ambulances even serve Hogsmeade? Where was he supposed to find a telephone? Or a blanket for that matter? "Here, take my scarf". He unwrapped the pale blue garment from around his shoulders, glad he'd brought it despite the warmness of the weather.

"I'll, erm — I'll apparate to St Mungo's and alert them." He was not sure how he managed to do so without splinching himself, such was his anxiety in the moment, but he had a job that needed to be done urgently, and — thank Merlin — he shortly returned with another midwife. The pressure was taken off Miss Galloway, though she would still be expected to help.

Bragi stood by breathlessly by and watched from a distance as the midwife swiftly conjured a little sound-proof pavilion for the mother's privacy and dignity... and so, within, began life's tumultuous work.

He would later muse that this was a magic more powerful than any spell.

-fade out-

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]

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