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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ambivalence Avenue
Flora giggled. "I doubt my mother's concern is my safety from muggles and magical creatures while at school!" she explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world! "Besides, Hogwarts has a class for the latter, and I'll only be a first year. Are you at Hogwarts right now? You don't look too old."

Acacia couldn't help but giggle as well. "That is true. Though my point was that this might ease her mind about the magical part of America being wild. With caution comes control. And wild is being without control." She pointed out. Nodding to the question, she wished she could say that she was going into her seventh year. "I'm going to be a sixth year this coming September. I'm a Ravenclaw." She responded.

Magic by Elaine!

Flora couldn't exactly follow the girl's analysis, but mindlessly nodded her head. America, from her knowledge, bred careless witches and wizards who brought chaos to British society. She would hate to be under their influence while receiving her education, return home post-graduation, and then be dubbed a wild woman herself!

"An incoming Ravenclaw sixth year, hmmm," she pondered, trying to remember if she had any friends or relatives that shared a year or house with the girl. Some of her cousins—the Bones children, specifically—were in that age range, but she wasn't sure of their exact years. "My brother's an incoming seventh year Slytherin—Merriweather Mulciber! I'm sure he's popular and has lots of friends."

Mr. Mulciber… Acacia wasn't all too familiar with him. Though they may have not crossed paths due to not sharing a house. "I don't believe that he and I have met. Hogwarts is a rather large school." She responded. Given that this girl seemed to be a delight to talk to, perhaps her brother would be a pleasant acquaintance.

Magic by Elaine!

The pout that reached Flora's face disappeared as fast as it arrived. It was disappointing that there was no connection they could make, but it wasn't as if the girl's statement was untrue. She didn't know how many first years would join her in the Great Hall come September—if they made it there at all—but assumed there would be more people than she knew! She hadn't know Mr. Fudge before now, and he would be joining her, too!

"Well then," she sighed. "Do you have any advice for an incoming first year? Should I bring extra supplies? How hard are the tests? The homework? Is there lots of reading?" She hated reading.

The brief pout made Acacia feel slight disappointment in herself. If only she had more time to socialize. "I would recommend bringing a few extra books for studying. Depending on the class, there could very well be plenty of reading. Most homework assignments are quite interesting. The professors certainly know what they are doing. The most stressful testing would be the OWLs and NEWTs, so stay prepared and study." She responded.

Magic by Elaine!

More books? More reading? What a depressing prospect! Hopefully the reading would go beyond the boring etiquette manuals and history textbooks that were so frequently shoved into her hands; maybe a book on magic with spells would prove more interesting! She nodded reluctantly at the girl's explanation.

"How many classes do you take? How many can you take?" she questioned, beginning to make a mental list of everything she should remember. "And do you have a favorite?"

Reading was not to everyone's liking. Acacia understood that. But Hogwarts was a magical place. Surely the girl would still enjoy her time there. "On your first year, you will have nine classes. Your second... seven classes. Third through fifth year, the OWLs years, you can take eight to ten classes. You will get to pick the one to three classes that you add on for OWLs. After that it is much more flexible. You have to have at least three classes, and you cannot have more than seven." She said. Hogwarts was quite important to her. This stuff was something that she had made a point to memorize.

A favorite class? Hm, did she have a favorite. "I'm not sure which class is my favorite. Perhaps potions. I had ten classes for my OWLs." She added.

Magic by Elaine!

The was...a lot of numbers, and while Flora wasn't awful with them, she was awful at remembering them. She chose to commit only the most relevant information—nine classes her first year—to memory and quietly pondered the fact. Could she even keep up with that many? How much homework would be assigned per night? Despite her over-eagerness to get to school, she was beginning to wonder if she was prepared. Surely her parents would have given her the necessary education prior to Hogwarts to succeed!

"Potions sounds like fun. I heard you can take Art and Music class, too—are they included in the nine?" She started reciting the classes she knew in her head: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History, Potions, Herbology.....and others. Merlin, she was going to need the most detailed planner in the world!

The mention of art made Acacia perk up. "No, but they are wonderful additions. There is also an etiquette class. After time, it's easier to remember all of this. It helps to share classes with people in your house. I will say, it's good to also make friends outside of your house. Friendships are quite important."

Magic by Elaine!

Frida was not the inherently prejudiced sort; she would not shy away from befriending those below her station if they proved good, loyal friends, but neither would she actively seek them out, either. She'd had a healthy set of friends growing up, and naturally assumed those friendships would continue going into their Hogwarts years.

"Etiquette class, too?" Was that part of the nine? Or was it another one? Oh, she'd never have time for the fun classes like art and music! "I'm merely eleven! How do they expect me to do well in all of my classes if they're to give me more than I can remember!?"

Poor girl, all of this seemed to overwhelm her greatly. "Well, you will get to explore an amazing, ancient castle with plenty of mystery of it's own. Perhaps exploring a bit and spending times with friends will help to ease any overwhelming feelings." She assured kindly.

Magic by Elaine!

Flora cast her a wide-eyed, dubious expression.

"I'm not sure I'll have much time to explore with all the classwork!" she exclaimed. It would all be too much; she could see that now. Hopefully her mother still loved her when she was booted after her first year!

Giving the girl a sympathetic look, she remembered her first year. And each of her siblings thinking over their own first years. "It'll work out. Classes can be quite enjoyable and make time fly." She responded. How else could she bring this girl some peace of mind of the coming school year?

Magic by Elaine!

Flora's lips tightened in a way that expressed that she'd see when the time came.

"Speaking of flying: is it hard? I've admittedly never had the courage to try it myself." Not to mention flying was unfeminine in every way. She would have likely refused the opportunity to mount one even if given the option—though given Hogwarts' requirements, she would have to as a first year!

Flying. Acacia wasn't really big on quidditch to begin with, but that was just a sport associated with flying. Flying itself was different. "Well, it certainly takes a fair amount of concentration, from what I remember. I just took the class in first year. I've never really been one for flying. Plenty of people seem to enjoy it though, so I'm sure it's not too hard." She replied. Perhaps this girl was interested in quidditch. Oh, that was one thing that she couldn't help explain.

Magic by Elaine!

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