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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Be more approachable they said, get a dog they said
May 23rd, 1888 — Beautiful Beast Boutique

Witch Weekly had told Barnabas to be more approachable. Not directly, of course. Directly, someone at the magazine was out for him. Between actually cursing him into being a dog for 24 hours for an April Fool's joke and then naming him the 5th most bachelor women should stay away from, he had nearly cancelled his lifetime subscription to the damned thing. Yet, when he'd read his horoscope a few weeks ago, they'd tossed him a figurative bone --- his problems in life were due to his being unapproachable. He would be wise to get a companion, particularly a dog. Ever since his curse, he'd decided he didn't hate the creatures as much as he once had. So, after several weeks of ruminating and researching, he decided to bite the bullet and get one.

Luckily, his curse had also confirmed that Amelia Evans no longer frequented the BBB and he was safe to enter without worrying about seeing her. An employee that he was unfamiliar with guided him to the section where they kept the dogs. Puppies only, it seemed, as nobody wanted to purchase an adult. Except for Barnabas. It seemed he was out of luck. He stared into the pen that was a wriggling, furry, chubby mass of puppies.

"Which one is the least likely to piddle on my floor?" He asked and looked toward the employee, only to realize belatedly that they had left and someone else had approached without his notice.

The following 2 users Like Barnabas Skeeter's post:
   Amelia Evans, Elsie Kirke

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Having a brother-in-law that owned a pet shop was rather convenient. Elsie could pop over whenever she liked to pick up treats for Dora as Philip always had some on hand. Della liked to credit meeting her now-husband to the family dog; had she not stopped in for treats that one day who knew if they would have met.

It appeared neither her sister nor her brother-in-law were around at the moment, though the employees mostly knew her by now as well and they all knew Dora. With her mutt at her side, Elsie waited while the treats were being gathered for her in the back by wandering the shop, Dora trotting alongside her nicely on her lead.

Elsie stopped to ogle the kittens, the adorable little fluffballs, not entirely unlike the one Della had gotten for Christmas, so cute and clumsy. They played in their little pen together, some napping, some romping around just generally being precious. Dora nudged her hand for attention as Elsie's was clearly distracted enough nearly miss what the gentleman nearby had said.

Looking up, Elsie realized she recognized Mr. Skeeter, though she hadn't any idea if he was addressing her or not. Nobody else was around however and it would be terribly rude to ignore him. "I've heard poodles are generally very smart." She motioned to the apricot colored puppy snoozing in the back. Elsie motioned for Dora to sit and her pup obliged happily. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Skeeter." He had rescued her from being stuck in the mud in Irvingly after all!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Barnabas recognized Miss Beauregard immediately. How could he not? With her delicate facial features and her pretty blue eyes. It was no wonder Toussaint had fallen for her. As far as he was aware, that had been unrequited. His friend had failed. This meant that Miss Beauregard was fair game. Besides, he never was one to put someone else's needs before his own. Had he not had his entanglement with Amelia Evans, he likely would have focused his intentions on her. (Ignoring the fact that he'd forgotten she'd existed until he'd just seen her.)

"It's a pleasure to see you Miss Beauregard," He smiled widely, "-still Miss Beauregard I hope?" Smooth, Barnabas, very smooth. He glanced at the dog she'd suggested. Poodle? He recalled that his book had mentioned their intelligence, but it had also listed their extensive grooming as a con. They had a lot of hair, from what he reckoned. That weird haircut they had that seemed to be so popular these days was a bit too flamboyant for his tastes. Still, if the thing didn't piddle on his floor...

The following 3 users Like Barnabas Skeeter's post:
   Amelia Evans, Elsie Kirke, October Lynch

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Elsie's soft smile slipped ever so slightly at his inquiry, though she quickly recovered. "Yes, of course." Still Miss Beauregard, likely forever at this point. It had generally been her plan, but of course up until a few months ago, there had been some kind glimmer of hope that it may not be the case.

Fixing a better smile on her features, Elsie looked between Mr. Skeeter and the puppies he was looking at. "Are you looking for a puppy for yourself?" It struck her as a little odd, he didn't quite seem like a dog person, perhaps more of a cat person, as they were typically more self-sufficient, but one never knew. Elsie laid her free hand atop Dora's head, the pup sitting very nicely next to Elsie's skirts, watching the puppies at play.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Ah, still unmarried — and unattached, as far as he was aware. She had stayed out of the gossip magazines. It was likely she was not courting anyone, as Witch Weekly was incredibly diligent in reporting on such things. Elsie Beauregard was a pretty young woman. She had no reason that she shouldn't already be married, save for her wispy figure. Such things could be overlooked. Her features were delicate and her blue eyes quite large, a curiously attractive contrast.

Barnabas gazed at the hand atop the dog's head briefly before he returned his attention to the pen. Someone else had had a close relationship with her dog, as well. The comparison made him slightly uneasy.

"I am," He replied seriously, "A... friend recommended that I ought to get one. I've had a few run-ins lately with some canines and I thought that perhaps the suggestion was a good one. I've purchased books on the matter to study and up until this moment I felt quite prepared. They look so different than the sketches in the books. How can you tell their temperaments?"

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
If Elsie were being honest, she didn't quite understand his logic, but it needn't make sense to her if he was already decided on the matter. "Ah well," She was mildly surprised to hear he'd done some research; it was a subject Elsie hadn't done much reading on herself, she'd just gotten lucky with Dora. "I'm not overly familiar, Dora was a street pup we took in." She gave her mutt a scratch behind her ears.

"My brother-in-law owns the store, I could see if he's around for a more expert opinion?" Philip would certainly know what pup would suit best. Each breed likely had traits that were more or less the same across the board, but Elsie also rather thought that you could get just about any temperament in a pup regardless of their breed. "She's incredibly sweet and well-mannered, we think she has some kind of shepherd in her." Other than that they weren't terribly sure.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
"That would be hardly necessary," He told her quickly, "I wouldn't want to bother him. I'm certain he has far more important things to tend to." Doing whatever it was that shop owners did, away from his sister-in-law and her potential suitor. Barnabas wasn't overly fond of the idea of taking in a street pup. How did you know what you were getting into? They were so dirty and wild and... he'd had a run in with a pack of them back in April. His opinion of them had solidly formed to something negative. At any moment, this Dora could turn into a rabid, raving beast and attack them both.

"I suppose the best way is to just dive in and go through them to see which one is best," He leaned his cane against the kennel and reached for a brown puppy with short, curly hair that had been chewing on it's littermates ear. It saw his hand incoming and darted away, tail tucked between its legs and ears pinned back. Embarrassed, he glanced at Elsie, "Perhaps not that one, then."

Try as he might, he couldn't get any of the larger pups to pay him any mind. One had nipped at his fingers; another had growled. He blew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair, unaware that a small, orange and white pup was sniffing curiously at the bit of his cane that poked through the bars of the kennel. He turned to Elsie to try to say something charming and witty so that she wouldn't think him incompetent, only to be startled by the sudden sound of teeth scraping against wood. The puppy was chewing on his cane.

"Stop that," He moved his cane away in annoyance, only for the puppy to suddenly grow very interested in him and attach itself to the sleeve of his robe with its sharp little teeth.

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Elsie supposed Mr. Skeeter was right; Philip was awfully busy, though she had no doubt he'd stop to help if asked. However watching Mr. Skeeter try to figure it out for himself was just a little painful. It was apparently he didn't really have a good presence with the pups as they either snapped at him or moved out of reach. Puppies were not always agreeable by nature, but this seemed to be a exceptionally different.

The next thing she knew there was one chewing on his cane and she had to stifle a giggle behind her hand as she looked away briefly. She motioned for Dora to lay down, then stay, which the mutt did without hesitation, before Elsie stepped forward to reach down and scoop up the little one being a pest. The puppy squirmed a little, but was otherwise glad for the attention, even going so far as to lick Elsie's face enthusiastically before she was able to get it to calm down enough. "This one has quite a bit of energy." She mused aloud, thinking that may not be something Mr. Skeeter would be looking for as that meant they required a lot of exercise. Not that he couldn't, the cane surely could't inhibit him too much, but it was also time consuming and she knew he was busy.

"What about this one." With the one still in her hands, Elsie bent down to poke her fingers through the little cage for the pups and scratch behind the ears of what appeared to be a little bulldog of sorts. He seemed quite content to be napping at least.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Miss Beauregard's complete comfort in interacting with the puppies bewildered him. None of them seemed to skitter away from her. She'd rescued his cane from the orange offender — and had received a lick across the face for reward! Not much of a reward, he reckoned, her face looks rather wet and slimy from where the dog's tongue had been. Still, he'd read the dog licks were a sign of acceptance and affection. They were a good thing, similar to when humans hugged or kissed. He was a bit envious of the dog in her hands just then, though was distracted by the one she'd pointed out.

He watched warily as she scratched it behind the ears. It looked to be sleeping soundly. With the way this visit was going however, he'd bend down to pat it and it'd wake up, turn itself into a saw and hack away at his fingers with its little sharp puppy teeth.

"Are you certain?" He asked her as he mimicked her movements, poking his fingers between the bars in the next space available (careful not to get too close to her, as propriety dictated of course), "It seems a bit... lackadaisical." To emphasize this, the bulldog gave off a loud snore and rolled over to it's back, legs splayed in the air. It let out a long, noisy fart, which pricked the ears of the orange puppy in her hand.

Disgruntled, Barnabas' withdrew his hand quickly and accidentally bumped his hand against her arm in the process.

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Elsie stifled a giggle behind her hand at the bulldog, who was entirely comfortable it appeared. She reached down to put the little orange pup back and to gently lift up the snoozing bulldog, oblivious to their accidental contact in her amusement.

She hefted the little guy up into her arms and chuckled when he simply made himself comfortable in her arms, resting his head on her shoulder. Elsie ran a hand down his head over his back. "I don't think they get very big, though I'm not strictly sure what you're looking for." She'd met an English bulldog or two in her time and they'd always been very pleasant. Philip really would be the expert here though. If it were her looking, she would have done some research first, but then again, that was just how she operated.

"What is it you want in a breed?" She didn't know too much, but may at least be able to help a little if she knew what he was looking for.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
"Good question," He quipped and rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he eyed the remaining pups, "Companionable. Pleasant. Good-natured. Not too needy. Friendliness is a must." Goodness, his laundry list for a dog was quite similar to his laundry list for a wife.

"I suppose something that didn't get too large would make the most sense for me," He continued thoughtfully, "Intelligence so that it learns to behave itself quickly. I'd prefer to take it to the office with me most days rather than leave it alone at home or with the housekeeper. Most importantly-" Barnabas looked her in the eye then and smiled, "-it should be decent looking." It was wife-bait, after all.

In an attempt to be charming, he wiggled a finger at the orange pup in her arms, "What do you suggest, Miss Beauregard? I'll choose whichever one you think best. You're by far more of an expert than I."

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Elsie did not know enough about breeds to know which direction to point him now. The bulldog pup in her arms was her best guess, but there was an adorable little corgi pup zipping around the back of the run. She knew they didn't get too big either. She was quite content to snuggle the bulldog pup a moment more and he didn't seem to mind, so Elsie bent down to call over the corgi while still holding the bulldog. If she wasn't careful she'd end up going home with a second dog today! She also realized just how content she was. Next time she was feeling particularly glum she was coming in to snuggle the puppies; Philip hopefully wouldn't mind.

"These little guys are awfully smart, I believe. They're a hunting dog of some sort." Which meant they should be easy enough to train, but she really wasn't positive. She cast a glance upward at Mr. Skeeter as the little bulldog gave a snort in his sleep. "I think they like to run though, so may need a lot of exercise." The last one she'd met had been in the park and boy did that little love like to run!

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
She'd picked the... corgi, was it? Barnabas thought he could recall the page from one of the books on them. They were a newer breed, but definitely recognizable - and adorable - though that likely was just from seeing Miss Beauregard holding it.

"I should be able to manage that. I live across from Padmore Park. He'll have lots of room to run and play," He reached for the one that she had scooped up, awkwardly cradling it in both hands as it wiggled happily and licked at his hands. Ugh. The first thing he'd have to teach it would be not to lick him.

Barnabas cupped the pup's bottom in his hands and lifted it so that their faces were next to each other. Grinning charmingly, he asked her, "What do you think Miss Beauregard? Do we make a handsome pair?"

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
Elsie was still very contentedly loving on the snoozing bulldog in her arms while Mr. Skeeter took the corgi. It was going to be very hard to put him back after this!  "We'll that's good. Dora and I frequent the park as well." She passed her own dog a warm smile as Dora was very quietly sitting where she'd been the whole time, watching with what Elsie could only describe as amusement. Though Els doubted her dog would be quite so forgiving if Elsie were to actually bring home the puppy.

"She's certainly adorable." Elsie bit her lip to prevent herself from chuckling. She'd hesitated in saying something, if only because she didn't want to burst his bubble, but he would have figured it out sooner than later, or so she assumed! "But yes, I think you suit one another well." As much as her opinion counted on the matter anyway.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty
Well that settled it, he was getting a dog today and he was going to take it the park every single day in an attempt to see Miss Beauregard more often. She was sweet and soft and gentle - not at all like the fiesty Amelia Evans who had publicly assaulted him enough times that he'd lost count. No no, he wanted a match with a girl who was much more his speed. Likely, he was getting ahead of himself. Still - it would be best for his pet to visit the park every day. It would just pull double duty: one for his dog's health, and two for the chance to run into Miss Beauregard.

"She?" He repeated a bit dumbly and was promptly licked across the mouth. He grimaced and wiped it with the sleeve of his robe, though did not loosen his hold on the squirmy puppy. At least she seemed to like him a bit more now? It wouldn't look very chivalrous if he were to just swap her out for a male, so she swallowed his pride and said, "Of course, silly me. It is kind of you to say so. You and... Dora?" He looked for confirmation for a moment, "Are a lovely pair as well."

set by MJ | Kindly tag Prudence Browne in replies
It certainly seemed like the little corgi was enthusiastic about going home with Mr. Skeeter. Elsie moved to set the still-snoozing bulldog puppy down back among his friends, though the little one didn't even flinch. He simply rolled into a more comfortable position and continued to snore away. It elicited one last chuckle from Elsie as she tried not to blush at Mr. Skeeter's compliment.

"Thank you, she's the best birthday present I've ever gotten myself." As an accident, with... help. Elsie's smile faltered ever-so-slightly before she brushed off the thoughts of the day she'd taken Dora home. An early birthday present to herself, on a Hogsmeade weekend, with Tyb's help, long before they'd been anything other than friends. Even that thought took her breath away, but she had to recover quickly.  "I wish you the best of luck with her, what will you name her?" She was curious, but some people needed to wait to find out a personality before they did any naming.

[Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
MJ always makes her so pretty

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