May 21st, 1888 — Hogsmeade Post Office
Miss Charlotte Potter, Unknown Address the address read. Odira had been studying the outside of the letter for ten minutes now, still uncertain if she would be right to send it. Would Miss Potter think it an imposition? Would Miss Potter prove a danger to the children? Odira supposed she might have known more about vampires before her accident—but surely, if the Ministry of Magic considered beings, they could be trusted?
It was mad of her not to have an owl of her own by now. It was mad of her to be fixating upon that when in her hands rested a piece of parchment that could very well change the direction her future was set to take—not to mention those of Charlotte, Jameson, and Elspeth.
Charlotte, who had been named for the vampire in question.
Resolved, the witch handed over the coin to the man behind the counter, selected a sturdy-looking bird that looked as though it could care for itself, and twined the letter to its ankle. Without further ado, the owl was away, taking with it any chance for her to change her mind.
For now, Odira could do nothing but wait.

If I could marry Bee I would but I can't so I ship our characters instead.