July 19th, 1883 — Hawthorne Hollow
Nathaniel had not felt well when he had risen that morning—and knew all too well why—but had been reluctant to refuse his son's requests to visit the quidditch village. With a second child on the way for Veronica, Theodore was only scarcely more pleasant (at least to his stepmother) than he had been the previous summer, and Nathaniel was eager to get him out of the house and somewhere he might actually enjoy himself. The two had had a pleasant enough morning—as pleasant as could be managed on Thaniel's part—but then father had been waylaid by business associates, and had allowed son to go off with friends from Hogwarts.
And that was the last he had seen of him.
It was his own fault, Thaniel knew; the area was a large and busy one, making it nigh impossible to find anyone if a predetermined meeting point had not been arranged (it hadn't). The wizard would not have been so frantic, except the sun had begun its nightly descent into the horizon, and he was all too well aware of what came hand in hand with the darkness at this time of the month. Desperate, Thaniel made what felt like his thousandth round through the marketplace, before finally finding the familiar dark head.
"Theodore, there you are!" he called out, tone half terse, half relieved. He had hoped to be home hours ago; this was cutting it far too close for his liking. With more urgency than he would have liked to have shown, his hand clasped around his son's arm as he said, "Come; we are going home."

— pretties by Soph ❤ —