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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Of Course I'm Right
January 2, 1889 - Lyness Household; Hogsmeade
She was right to take away those stupid toys from Emily. She knew that she was right. But why did she feel so bad about it? Possibly the guilt of ruining her daughter's birthday. However, the girl did it herself. Taking toys that weren't hers. Looking over at the doorway when she heard footsteps, she saw her lady's maid. "Good, you are here. I need you to transform these two toys into something else. I don't care what, as long as they are pretty and look nice in my room." She stated bluntly. She was right, she had to be.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina knew that there had been an incident yesterday, having to do with stolen toys, but she hadn't learned of the consequences. She'd caught snippets of the argument itself, having been in another room at the time of the yelling,and had inferred what she could. She hadn't brought it up, however, because Juniper hadn't.

Mina was just pushing open the door to Juniper's room with her hip, afternoon tea service in hand, when she was directed at two children's toys sitting on the tea table at the center of the room. Setting the tea service down, she nodded. "If you're sure that's what you'd like, Mrs. Lyness, I'll take care of it right away." She wouldn't, she'd take the toys with her and charm one of the other household staff into doing the transfiguration tonight, since anything Mina tried would be sure to turn out terribly. That was, if Juniper didn't change her mind. She was prone to that. "Would you like some tea?'

If she was sure? "Of course I'm sure. We don't need proof of my daughter's... short comings in the house." She muttered as she gently took the tea. "Why wouldn't I want that?"

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina had to tread carefully here. "Well, they are perfectly good toys," she hedged. "Couldn't the young Miss Lyness... earn them back in some way?"

"She did not come by such toys honestly. I do not want that to become apparent to anyone who may visit." She admitted. She trusted Miss Davis. After all, it was likely that the lady's maid had noticed Emily's... habit already. At least around the house.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina nodded quickly. "Then it is as you wish. I'll get them back to you tonight," she promised, making to tuck them into the pocket of her apron. Merlin knew she wouldn't be able to transfigure them on the spot into anything but blocks of wood.

Nodding, she was pleased to have supposedly gotten her point across. "Good. Now, I need my hair to be fixed. The wind outside is rather dreadful today. While I wouldn't normally mind such things, it seems the charm for keeping my hair from getting loose has faded." She instructed before taking a sip of her tea.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina nodded and quickly moved around to the back of Juniper's chair. She could indeed see where some strands of the careful up-do she had arranged that morning had begun to fall out. Mina was annoyed with herself; she'd been distracted that morning and apparently hadn't concentrated enough when she was performing the sticking charms.

Taking a deep breath to center herself, Mina drew her wand and with a practiced and familiar wave, set the hair back where it belonged. Satisfied when it was all back in place, she used a second charm to fix it where it was. "Is that alright, Miss?"

As a veela, Juniper was blissfully unaware that it wasn't supposed to wear off that quickly. It was more of an assumption that magic acted stupidly from time to time. For the lady's maid's sake, it was a far better answer than a lack of skill in the woman's own work.

It didn't take long, thank goodness. Turning to look at the work in the mirror, she nodded. "It does, thank you." She stated.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina smiled in the mirror and tucked her wand away. "Is there anything else I can do for you, ma'am?" She moved back over to the tea service and tidied it. She would leave it and collect it later. As far as she knew, Juniper wouldn't be changing again today until it was time to sleep, but she wanted to check.

Thinking for a moment, Juniper remembered something that she had wanted to ask of her lady's maid. "Yes, actually. I am attending a party tonight. I will be needing my favorite party dress, you know the one. Please be sure that it will be ready for me this evening." She instructed.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Mina did know the one. It was beautiful, she thought, and she wished briefly that she'd been born into the kind of life that allowed her to wear things as fine as that. "Of course, ma'am. I'll lay out the pearl earrings you like as well. If that's all?" She inclined her head towards the door, silently asking if she was excused.

While pearl was not her favorite, it was her favorite with that dress. Though not nearly shiny enough, the earrings did have a particular glow that Juniper did like. "Yes, to both." Finding papa had been one of the best things to happen to the veela. She would not have this life without him.

Juniper is a veela, your men are cray-cray for her.

Lady made pretties!
Nodding her farewell, Mina backed out of the room. She had toys to transfigure - or rather, butler's to charm into transfiguring them - and dresses to press. The door snicked closed softly, and she was gone.

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