April 8th, 1889; breakfast — Ravenclaw Table, Hogwarts Great Hall
As a matter of course, pale skin had a tendency to accompany red hair. With her fiery tresses, Idunn Fraser had never been any exception to this rule. Now, though, as trembling fingers still clutched the twine that had bound the parcel together, any faint hints of colour she might have once possessed drained entirely from her, her grey eyes widening in horror as it felt at once like her heart would stop and yet would burst forth from her chest at any moment. The Ravenclaw had long since learned to open any parcels from home with a certain degree of trepidation, but in the hubbub of breakfast time in the Great Hall, the letter had slipped from the parcel and to the floor just under her seat, where it remained unopened, her mother's handwriting upon it a neon warning sign that Idunn had missed. Thus, the otherwise unmarked package might have been the potion ingredients she had been expecting from the apothecary, a gift from one of her sisters, literally anything other than the lacy monstrosity that now stared out at her like a demon in woman's undergarments. (Demon as women's undergarments?)
What's that, then? one of her tablemates inquired nosily.
Idunn could only let out a strangled noise, not quite a whimper but certainly not a word, in response as she realized that her table could now view the contents of the package.
Merlin help her. This had come from her mother.

— Graphics by MJ ♡ —