June 15h, 1888 — Ross Home, Bartonburg
Clara was uncertain what to think about this horrid fog that was currently engulfing her neighborhood. She didn't like it but she also wasn't too worried for the moment. It was not like she did a lot of things that required magic. She was also sure that poor owl that had died had only done so due to the poor visibility - the poor thing must have knocked into something and ended up dying from a head injury or something. Surely, the fog would not effect her in any way that was significant.
Thus, Clara contentedly went on with her day as usual, the only social thing she had coming up being a get together with her sister. She still had no intention of actually going out in the fog. Or, well she hadn't until one of the children darted out of the house. "Oh darling, do come back inside!"
Following after her child, she ushered them back into the house before feeling... rather peculiar. It was as if she was thinking more clearly than she ever had. She stood still for a moment as her mind struggled to catch her up. What had happened? The only startlingly clear memory she had was putting on a ring.. the ring.
Suspicious of it, she took it off and tucked it into her pocket and massaged her temple with one her hands. She had a horrendous headache as her mind - unbeknownst to her - struggled with the effects of the spell abruptly ending. What was going on? Bewildered, she went back into the house. One she could only remember in the most vaguest of senses. What had happened to her? What year was it?