He balked internally at the word ultimatum, and dearly hoped that another forced exile or a stay in the asylum was not about to be brought up. What Aldous offered instead seemed almost laughably lenient, and Ben found himself sitting back in his chair with a twitch at his lips that almost approached a smile. Unbreakable Vows were serious business, of course, and he knew that, but it wasn't as though he would have ever wanted to do this again anyway. It hadn't exactly gone well the first time, and he couldn't foresee there ever being a need for it in the future. It would certainly be no difficulty to avoid it; if he ever needed something from the Ministry again that he wasn't allowed to have, he was sure there were plenty of other ways to talk himself into it. Probably much more reliable ways than trying to pretend to be Aldous.
"Yeah, okay," he agreed quickly. "No problem. Let's do it right now. I'm really getting tired of this clinking chain," he said, rattling his arm for dramatic effect.
MJ made this <3
"Yeah, okay," he agreed quickly. "No problem. Let's do it right now. I'm really getting tired of this clinking chain," he said, rattling his arm for dramatic effect.
MJ made this <3