December 19, 2020 – 10:41 PM
Aristide Selwyn — Played by Kit
December 20th, 1890 — Selwyn Manor
Amelia Evans/@"Adrienne Selwyn"
As the day was increasingly becoming afternoonified, Aristide emerged from reading in his room to see about getting something to eat and to seek out his twin. He was looking forward to sticking a bit 'o raspberry into his gigglemug. That was if the cook wasn't in the middle of pantry-politics which could sometimes happen. Pissing off a cook was practically the next thing to judgement day. The cook could be a bit batty-fang and a definite revoleress so she was best not trifled with.
Aristide felt like he had slept on needles and pins since his body was still not acclimated to being back in his own bed rather than the bed at school. He had gotten too use to the lower quality mattress of the school beds, he supposed. Which was a little ridiculous and made him think of the fairy tale 'Princess and the Pea'. He hoped he would get used to it soon, he didn't want to be dealing with reelings every morning until going back to school.
He was no daisy-five-'o-clocker but he also was not the sort to sleep past noon. Figuring Adrienne was likely in one of her usual haunts, he didn't bother with checking her room just yet. Instead, making his way into the dining room and eating the lunch that had been laid out for any hungry Selwyns that might seek out sustenance on this lazy day.
He had just finished eating and had been just about to head out to roam the grounds when he sensed the presence of his twin before he even saw her. "What should we do today?" He asked of her as he took one last drink of his orange juice before turning to face her fully. He had idle thoughts of just staying around at home but there was also that Festival going on over the next few days in Hogsmeade. He had already made plans to go ice skating later in the week as well.
italics means Aristide is speaking French

set by MJ!
January 10, 2021 – 4:44 AM
Either it was the combination of sleeping in her own bed or the final release after exams were over but Adrienne woke up with a start that morning. A small stir by her leg told her Artemis had done the same. Sitting up in bed, she figured sleeping in during the holidays wasn't one of the worst things she could do, however the thought that Aristide could already be up motivated her to put her feet to the floor. Rubbing her eyes she reached for the fabric pull to call the head housemaid.
Once dressed, she wandered downstairs, to enter the dining room where breakfast was laid. Even after the pulling and tugging at her hair, Adrienne still felt quite dreary and she yawned as she went through. The voice of her twin reached her and she sighed happily. "Ari, there you are," she said, a touch of sleep still in her voice. She was still tired from shopping yesterday with Uncle Trystan, but the idea of spending the day with Aristide perked her up a great deal.
As she served herself a plate, she sat down across from him. "I'm rather exhausted from yesterday, but I still have some extra shopping to do. Perhaps we could go into Hogsmeade?" She suggested, "accidentally" dropping a small piece of egg onto the floor for Artemis.
Roberto Devine
February 2, 2021 – 11:17 PM
Aristide Selwyn — Played by Kit
"Oh, yes, let's! There is a Holiday Festival happening there," Aristide said as he plucked a strawberry from the serving bowl the berries sat in. Hot cocoa, playing in the snow and tales being told at Whizzhards was probably meant to be for the younger children but Aristide did not care. There were also plenty of other things besides that. He was also hoping for a nip of the peppermint rum he had overheard one of the shops boasting about. There would probably also be music and dancing if they stayed out into the evening. Winter was such a dreary season - especially in the UK - so it definitely needed to have a lot of fun things to make up for it.
italics means Aristide is speaking French

set by MJ!
February 15, 2021 – 6:58 PM
Picking up her teacup, Adrienne drifted off in her thoughts — she still had some residual nervousness about the results of her exams, however, there was precious little she could do about that. Resting her elbow on the table in a most unladylike fashion (it was just her and Aristide after all), she sipped her tea with the other hand and pursed her lips. "I heard about the Peppermint Rum the Ivy Leaf was serving from a shop girl at the market, perhaps we could stop over there."
Likely he already knew about that, though Adrienne hardly thought he'd object to it. "What other presents do you need to get?"
Roberto Devine
April 23, 2021 – 10:22 PM
Adrienne had a feeling that regardless of who was to blame, governess would not be happy either way at the prospect of potentially re-living being dragged onto the ice. "Very well," she replied happily, glad she wouldn't have to witness the woman's horrified expression. Best let Aristide do it instead; she was most malleable in his hands after all.