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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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Passing The Agenda
March 26, 1888 — Ministry Atrium
Open to a male or female Ministry worker!

While he would never consider himself a boastful man, he had very specific reasons for being such at times, and today was one of those days. When the Daily Prophet had portrayed him as a man who had made a harrowing escape from the wrath of a malicious veela, he'd felt it was the perfect opportunity to soak up the attention to hopefully garner attention at work. Besides, who didn't want to hear the specifics of the story from the man who's experienced it himself? Maybe he could make a few friends — political friends. His ambitions for the future bypassed being a mere member of the Research Committee, and he could use any and all allies he could get his hands on.

"She didn't hurt me, but she was prepared to. You could see the fire in her eyes," he explained to the other Ministry worker he stood beside. "I don't understand why we as a society don't do more to regulate them — you know, tell them were they can and can't go. They're not just a danger to men; that one would've attacked a passing young woman in the same way," he continued.

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fabulous set by the fabulous Lady
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Charles read the Daily Prophet as frequently as it was published and so he was up to date on the latest threat to society: Veela. Not that this was anything new, he had hardly ignored the incidents that had predated the most recent one. Veela were a problem much like his late wife: not human and perfectly designed to exploit him. In Noelle's case, should her phantom turn up in his home he would be forced either to put up with him or to move house once again. Spirits were immune to most spells, after all. However, he rather liked the idea of bedding a veela if he was honest, but he didn't care for the thought that doing so wouldn't be on his terms but rather on the terms of the creature's literally enchanting features. Then there were the less alluring aspects of a veela that Mr. Pettigrew had suffered and made the papers for.

"And which gentleman do you propose deliver that message?" Charles certainly wouldn't be volunteering for that embarrassment any time soon, not that it was his department that ought to be tasked with such an assignment. "I should like to see them run out of Britain and back to the Balkans or wherever they originate from as much as the next man, but negotiating with such beasts is rather futile if you ask me."

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Albert snickered at the thought of sending Macmillan down to deal with the veela — the poor sod (or maybe not so poor for him, but his family wouldn't be happy) would be rolling around with them in five minutes. Nevertheless, Macmillan had a point, but not one that there were minimal easy solutions to.

"The Committee for Experimental Charms probably knows a spell inventor or two who might not mind creating an anti-veela charm to put around the city. If we can keep out muggles, we should be capable of keeping veela out," he suggested with a shrug. "That would be the best sort of indirect enforcement."

fabulous set by the fabulous Lady
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Charles didn't particularly care for the level of amusement currently being exhibited by his conversation partner, he probably wasn't laughing at him but Charles was the sort of person who jumped first to the conclusion that he was the object of derision before considering alternative avenues. "If it were so easy to selectively deter such creatures I highly doubt the Ministry would have allowed vampires and hags free roam. Veela are a despicable lot but they're rarely responsible for the death of humans, at least not directly, anyway." He could imagine some idiots allowed themselves to be lured to their deaths like lemmings off cliffs in the hot-blooded pursuit of an enthralling veela presenting a full charm offense. He didn't think this was a common occurrence though, possibly due to the diminutive size of the veela population.

"The real problem are the supposedly domesticated ones, the veela who find some vulnerable moron to coerce into marriage. That's how they infiltrate society. That one who nearly pecked your eyes out is proof of that." It was one thing to have one's way with a veela (as if he'd have the upper hand in such a situation!) but another entirely to marry one! His children wouldn't even be human, his life would be a lie, he might be the envy of every man while his chicken wife was in the room but the moment her aura of seduction was elsewhere, they'd think him a fool. He couldn't be the only one who thought the quidditch player, Mohr, was intellectually bereft. "You're lucky that one already found herself a host, you might've found yourself a newlywed this morning otherwise."

Albert nodded his head in understanding. He wouldn't deny that there was a problem with enforcement, and that there would be ... issues .... that came from simply trying to enforce them. Besides, magical genetics weren't exactly something society had the firmest grasp on anyways, so there'd likely be issues when it came to part-veela.

"I wouldn't end up married — the marriage ban is still in effect," he reminded with a sharp nod. "That doesn't really help any previous marriages to veela, though. I don't think the Minister will do nothing, though; even on his side of the aisle there are people who have problems with veela. Progressive or conservative, all men can fall victim to them," he pondered aloud.

fabulous set by the fabulous Lady
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Charles made a noise of derision. "As if a marriage ban would stop a gentleman of means possessed by veela enchantment from trying to ruin his life! Those harpies are more conniving than a penniless debutante." Marriage, ultimately, didn't stop a man from living in sin with the beast and presenting himself as married. Or even going abroad and obtaining a marriage license. Was there even punishment in store for trying to flout the ban?

"I suppose only time will tell what the Minister and Wizengamot decide to do about it. I don't envy him the responsibility." Charles also didn't have much faith in their new Minister, he was certain the man would either be too soft or too popular. The former was the preferable option for Charles, personally. If he ran for Minister following a weak one, the people would be ready for a more strict and conservative candidate and so he too would be ready. Hopefully by then he'd have a new wife, a proper wife who would be an asset to his campaign rather than a shameful liability like her predecessor. "I take it you have faith in our new Minister then?"

Another veela "attack" would definitely be unfortunate to the gentleman at the receiving end of the stick, but it could prove useful in prompting further Ministry into inquiries surrounding the creatures and their presence in Britain. As long as it wasn't him (or Merlin forbid, Thom or David) everything would likely lead to the Minister being revealed as a good-for-nothing or a true hard-liner when it came to the protection of his human citizens.

"I have faith that Minister Ross will ignore the issue until it's unavoidable," he said lowly, eyes shifting around them. "Or until The Daily Prophet or other publications cause the public to demand its attention. That's when we'll see what his priorities really are," he contemplated.

fabulous set by the fabulous Lady
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He chuckled darkly. It was reassuring to hear that Pettigrew wasn't swept up in whatever spell had taken the voting population when they had selected Ross for the position. "Yes, I suspect that's likely to be the way of it." He offered the other man a wry smirk, "Until then you'll just have to watch out for yourself around those veela."

He gave the other gentleman an unamused (though not entirely unfriendly) glance before turning in the other direction. "If Minister Ross refuses to do anything regarding the matter, I suspect your department might have a job to do. Where do veela come from — France?" he pondered ominously, offering Macmillan nothing more than a knowing grin and a nod before taking his leave.

fabulous set by the fabulous Lady
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