This is: Hadrian
Hadrian Nott |
31 | Slytherin | UCPB | Rep 7 | Explorer & Naturalist Hadrian is the epitome of a spoilt rich boy and self-professed ~free spirit who is more interested in "discovering" things than actually studying them. He's been off travelling the world more than he has ever been at home in Britain, but thanks to a nasty divorce, he's back and flailing. ❧ Friends— Either from society or Hogwarts (e.g. UC/MC men, Slytherins, people his age) or people he might have associated with in the exploration / magizoology / herbology / academic spheres. Friends could balance him out by being sensible and practical, or be up for a good time! Or take an interest in his travels/exotic menagerie and species collection/taxidermy. ❧ Rivals— Likewise, lol ^ Hadrian is an irreverent rich boy who has adamantly refused to grow up, and doesn't much mind if he gives people things to talk about. He doesn't have much patience for sober stuffy types. Friends of his ex-wife Cordelia Emsworth would also go here. He has only been around to defend himself from afar until now, so feel free to spread sordid and scandalous rumours about him. ❧ "Good influences"— His mother has no spine, but now that he's home his father might be hoping Hadrian will step up to firstborn son duties, start being respectable, and get a real job. Maybe he's trying to pawn Hadrian off on "more suitable" friends or networking types. Or a new wife. He is also related to the Lovegoods and the Harts. ❧ Rebounds?— He's not the best remarriage material, given the divorce and most everything about him, but since Cordelia's in the country, he will probably aggressively flirt with people to show off How Well He's Doing and whatnot. ❧ Anything else!— He is a whim of a character, I have no firm plans here so am down for just about anything. Bring on the shenanigans! |
set by bee!