The Pendergast School for Even Younger RosesSummer 1894
Since the interest check went well, Evelyn has decided to try this for a year and see how it goes. "This" being Summer Rosebuds:
For the month of June, Hogwarts-aged girls are invited to come for refreshers in what it means to be a Young Lady.
This program is affordable to upper class families who aren't clinging desperately to their class xD It's intended for those going into first year through those going into their seventh year, not recent graduates. 15+ may decide they like it and go there in September instead of back to Hogwarts.
It begins with settling and orientation on Monday, June 3rd and students will depart on Saturday, June 28th. The senior students have already left for the summer, so it will be just these young ladies attending classes!
The school itself is tasteful and well appointed, with a door on the ground floor that leads nowhere most of the time but opens onto a ballroom for special occasions (one the floor plan does NOT account for). The grounds are well-kept, and large hedges mark the boundary of the garden. The only way onto the property is via the front door and past Conrad, the butler—neither floo nor aparition work on site, though individuals may apparate onto the street in front of the school.
- Students will follow the school's schedule with a couple of adjustments. Only French will be offered as a language, and this will be offered as a group class. All students will take dance as their "elective". Tuesdays boast formal luncheons with Mrs. Abercrombie and a guest or two of her choosing, while Thursday suppers are always formal affairs, often boasting guests from within society!
- "Free Time" on the schedule can be done at the school, or involved chaperoned excursions to the park and High Street.
- Students may reside full-time at the school or return home from Friday evening to Sunday evening, whichever their parents/guardians prefer. Those who choose the latter may do whatever they/their families want on the week-ends.
- For those who reside at the school on week-ends, see "free time" above. There will also be chaperoned excursions to youth-friendly events and church for those who attend.
Katherine Arundell
Eugenia Bramer
Wren Burroughs
Harriet Bythesea
Violetta DeCroix
Ursula Kensington
Serpentine Malfoy
Flora Mulciber
Forsythia Rowle
Iris Rowle
Philippa Rowle
Draconia Yarwood
Please post below to enroll students (PC or NPC!), links to open threads at the school, etc.! Feel free to have parents/guardians write to Evelyn regarding their rosebud's enrollment or progress.

— mj is kind of amazing. —