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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
Flight of the French
March 16th, 1888 — Padmore Park
Open to a UCAB/MCAB hurlable woman~

There was nothing Irish about Mathias—not his name, not his accent, not his residence, nor his culture. He had little clue what half of the celebratory events were even about, let alone having ever partaken in one of them himself. He'd shied away from the opportunity to be a part of a hand-fasting demonstration, and had passed up jewelry and kick-knacks from vendors whose accents were so thick he could barely understand. Instead, he had chosen to wander around in search of entertainment, a glass of apparently Irish whiskey in his hand.

Noise from a crowd dragged him to a specific location, but within moments he realized at the commotion was from panic rather than excitement. A group of fleeing ladies and gentleman turned towards him and ran, leaving him completely clueless as to what was going on until his eyes caught site of small, ugly, ginger-haired creatures.

Scrunching his noise, Mathias turned to flee, but not before stepping on the skirt of a woman who seemed to be having similar thoughts to him. "Oh, please excuse me, Miss," he apologized, tossing a glance back at the creature that was beginning to make noises. He glanced back up at the women, his brows furrowed in concern. "I suggest we both move away from that thing. It looks angry," he noted.

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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Mrs. Baudelaire had dragged her daughter to the street fair without even telling her what it was  about. She assumed this event the event was a muggle thing since she had no idea who this St. Patrick was or the Irish were just odd. She had been looking through the different stands with various trinkets and figurines displayed for a souvenir for her Papa. But nothing seemed interesting enough to buy so she wandered of somewhere else.

She heard screams and shouts but paid did no mind to it until people started running towards her way. As she looked for the source of all the commotion and what saw the rabid looking creature. She did the most obvious thing in her mind –to run – but someone had delayed her when he had stepped on her skirt. “No problem at all,” she answered rather annoyed. She was tempted to roll her eyes as he stated the obvious. Of course it was angry!

“I think it’s coming at us!” She said, feeling that the ugly thing was eyeing her and the gentleman beside her.

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
Mathias ignored the harshness in the woman's tone, assuming she was just, like him, slightly panicked over the malicious-looking creature. Who even decided that it was a good idea to have those things wander around the park during a celebration? They were creepy-looking and the fuel of nightmares—for, you know, children.

The leprechaun darted towards them almost suddenly, and Mathias' 'fight' response apparently decided it was time to kick into gear. With one hand holding his wand, the other stretched out in front of the aggravated woman, scantily shielding her from the screeching little shit. He tried to stun the thing—softly, of course. He didn't want to make a scene by attacking something others saw as innocent (as awfully angry as it did appear to him), and he wasn't sure how easily the creatures would fall at the use of a stunning spell.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the creature stirred only a minute after hitting the floor and stood up, its face even redder and angrier-looking than before. "I don't suppose you learned how to handle these things at school, eh?" he asked, tilting his head towards the young lady.

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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The man put on a brave face and used himself to protect her from the ghastly being. She silently watched him put down the leprechaun and it made her feel relieve until the thing stood up even angrier at them. She was sure it was ready to maul their faces off. Mr Beaumont wasn’t very useful with his wand, she thought disappointedly. He at least tried though he just made their situation worse. To answer his question, she couldn’t remember if they ever taught about this small green creatures in any of her classes but she was never studious at a class that doesn’t require her wand.

Ligea was clueless on what to do. If the thing didn’t respond well with a stunning spell then she wasn’t sure how well she could turn the thing into something less harmless - especially when her brain was running on adrenaline. The last thing she wanted was to make this little shit even shitier. Eyeing the flower bed close to them she hastily cast “Opugno!” making the flowers attack the offensive creature, she then tugged the man’s arm and shouted “Run!”. She hoped that it was enough to distract the leprechaun and give them enough time to escap.

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
Making flowers attack seemed like a female thing to do. Mathias, a very manly man, would at least have made the tent curtains tie up the little buggers (but alas, but the time he'd thought of the the idea he was already fleeing the scene with the blonde). It seemed like the already-irritable midgets were now fully-angered beasts, chasing them through the crowd.

"Flowers were such a good idea," he said sarcastically as he attempted to find anywhere that would a good bet to hide. There were eyes on them everywhere, but Mathias just wanted to be away from the awful Irish things. Even though he and Anais had their differences, he now knew one thing for sure: he didn't hate her enough to send her to a place where those things roamed free when she got married!

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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Ligeia rolled her eyes as she held back a scoff. Like he can do better. At least she gave them time to run. He should remember that he made the being angrier first. If he cast the spell correctly they wouldn’t be running in the first place.

“Any ideas on were we could hide then?” She asked while trying to keep up with the man's pace.  There was a reason why she never did sports. Her legs were made for dancing with handsome men and not running away from a bunch of little devils.

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
Mathias didn't necessarily stop, but he certainly made the effort to slow down and look.

"Well, we could always go inside one of the tents with the other customers and close the tent door," he suggested. It would be better than running off from sight; at least his idea wouldn't give people ideas. Anyways, he was sort of getting tired of running. Maybe the pesky bastards wouldn't be all that dangerous if they just stopped.

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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“Fine.” Ligeia answered after considering other options that she could think - which are nothing. At least in a tent full of people there would be others to sacrifice to those little green monsters or she could find someone who could actually use their wand properly, unlike Mister Frenchy.

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
Well, at least that was settled. Mathias quickly ushered her inside the nearest tent and closed it shut, and was greeted with the sight of... no one else. They were alone. While it was good there was nothing shady going on in there, it was probably not good for them to be alone.

"Does apparition work within the grounds? This probably isn't the best place to be."

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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It took a few seconds for Ligeia to catch her breath and to realize how empty the tent was.

Apparition… Why hadn’t they thought of that earlier? They would’ve avoided playing tag with the troll if he had spoken of it earlier. Eh, but it was too late for that. “Probably,” she shrugged. Ligeia didn’t know a reason why they couldn’t apparate somewhere else. “I’m guessing you know how to?”

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]
"Well, I'd hope most people would know how to." Maybe not a girl her age — how old was she anyways? Twenty-five? "It'd probably not be the best thing for us to apparate somewhere together; I don't think you'd like the rumor mill questioning your upbringing, would you?" he asked with a teasing smile.

MJ made this set and I shall never forget it
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Yes, she knew how to but she rarely used it in fear of splinching herself. (Thank goodness for the floo network.) The last time was when she left her sister alone in London out of annoyance and that was last year. “Oh, no one would want that, especially Witch Weekly” she replied.

“Well then, until next time” Ligeia smiled. Then she apparated with a pop to a street in Wellingtonshire.

[Image: NjDQGFU.png]

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