Can't believe I haven't responded to this because I know I read it.
Woman in White i'm currently reading. It's really good so far!
Dracula was good, I enjoyed that more than I expected and there have been so many different film adaptations and they all take liberties with the original plot and characters so I didn't actually know what to expect.
On my to read list that haven't been mentioned yet so far:
Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
Wuthering Heights
Hard Times by Dickens
Basically any Dickens at all
Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy
The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Whythehellisthissolong Stevenson
Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
War and Peace by the above gentleman
The Odd Women by George Gissing
The Memoirs of two young wives by honore de balzac