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Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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Fletcher Langley
173 Posts
Played by Hawke
Healer in Charge of Plants and Potions Poisoning
33 year old Halfblood
ft. in.
❤   Complicated
Full Name: Fletcher Augustus Langley

Nickname(s): Fletch

Birthdate: March 3,1857

Age: 33


Occupation: St Mungo’s Head of Potion & Plant Poisoning

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Maple, 11.5", Rigid, Unicorn Tail

Kenton Langley, father, healer [b.1833]
Brigit Langley neé ---, mother, retired healer/socialite [b.1836]
Abigail Langley, sister, debutante [b.1867]

Tink, Yorkie, b.1882
Fletcher stands a bit above average at a height of five foot ten and has a rather muscular build to go along with it. His hair is brown in hue which also tends to show as any variety of scruff on his face as well. Sometimes it is just a little bit and sometimes it borders on a full beard. It simply depends how many days he’s worked straight and if he’s forgotten to shave again or not. His eyes are a clear blue and usually the first thing to give his emotions away. He makes a point to wear clothing in the height of fashion and well tailored to his frame. He only owns a few suits at any given time though and keeps them in pristine condition so he isn’t spending a great deal of money on clothing continually. As such, he often looks to be a man higher than his actual station. He is quite ambidextrous, learning to do so due to his profession but tends to favor his right hand.

Play-by: Scott Eastwood
Prebirth: Kenton and Brigit met while working at the hospital. The two were healers in different departments but often found themselves working the same shifts. A bond quickly formed soon after Brigit became a full healer. They were eventually married and Brigit ended up on maternity leave relatively quickly.
1857: Fletcher is born.
1863: At six years old, Fletcher shows his first signs of magic. When a candle is knocked over by him while playing, he extinguishes it with a burst of water. However, the smoke alerts his governess and she ends up with a face full of water as he seems unable to stop the spraying of it for a few minutes.
1867: Surprise! After over ten years without a pregnancy, the Langleys welcome a baby girl into the mix. Brigit doesn’t end up going back to work, as the pregnancy and birth took quite the toll on her, and Fletcher vows to do anything and everything he can when it comes to taking care of his sister.
1868: Only a year after welcoming his little sister into the world, Fletcher receives his letter to Hogwarts and leaves for school that fall. He is sorted into Gryffindor.
1872: Just before going back to school, Fletcher receives a letter saying he’s been made a prefect. His family is obviously proud and Fletcher couldn’t be happier himself.
1873: Fletcher actually does quite remarkably on his OWLs, receiving nothing below an E on all of his subjects.
1874: The summer before his final year at school he spends interning at St. Mungo’s in the Potions and Plant Poisoning Department.
1875: Fletcher graduates from Hogwarts and boasts the same remarkable scores on his NEWTs. He begins working as an intern at St. Mungo’s in the Potions and Plant Poisoning department.
1876: Fletcher becomes a full healer in the Potions and Plant Poisoning in March.
1877: When his family and sister move to Hogsmeade, he decides to rent a small flat in London so he is closer to work. It is a hard decision to make as his family is rather tight knit and he’s not quite the fan of being so far from them. After a long night of work, however, he finds a small, abandoned yorkie pup in a box down an alleyway. The healer and savior in him quickly kicks in and he rushes the tiny puppy home where he nurses it back to life. The tiny creature’s little bark reminds him of a tinkling bell and gives her her namesake of Tink. Not an overly religious man, he’s convinced Tink was left there for him to find so he wouldn’t be as lonely no longer living with his family. The two quickly become inseparable except when he is at work and even then he still runs home on his lunch and some breaks to see her.
1878: Just a year after the big rush to Hogsmeade, Abigail is off to Hogwarts. He’s there to see her off and finds himself a bit frustrated she hadn’t been born earlier so he could be there at the school with her.
1883: When the Assistant Head position opens up in his department, Fletcher is offered the job and he happily accepts. He hopes to one day be the Department head.
1885: Abigail debuts and Fletch makes it a point to be there and at as many functions as his work schedule allows him to simply to make sure she’s treated with the utmost respect. He tries not to hover though, not want to ruin any prospects she may have.
1886: Fletcher meets a young American woman at the Wizarding World Market. She shows him around the magical menagerie in an impromptu tour and is actually quite taken with her. However, he doesn’t see her again until the Halloween Masquerade held on the Hogwarts ground. He manages to convince her to dance with him. Which..doesn’t end well and the two end up taking a tumble into the Black Lake and she leaves him even more confused after he tried taking her home.
1887: Another run in is had with Miss MacKay, though this time with a feisty diricawl who tries to steal his shoelaces. He realizes then that he quite likes the woman’s company but he doesn’t have the courage to say anything on the matter then. He finally works up the courage to speak to her about his growing feelings when he goes to congratulate her on the new exhibit she unveils in May. Once there, he sees her dancing with a gentleman and the ugly green beast named jealousy flares inside of him and he leaves without bothering to even say hello to her then. The feelings erupt something fierce once he sees her at an event on the beach at the Sanditon Resort. Tempers flare on both parts but he eventually apologizes and explains his jealous rampage. They agree to part ways for the time being to allow her some time to think over what had been said and decide what she wants to do. Eventually, she invites him over to speak with her and they agree to begin a tentative pseudo-courtship. They don’t give it a true title but begin enjoying spending a good deal of time in each other’s company whenever they can.
1888: Fletch is still working as a healer and can almost taste a promotion to Healer in Charge. He’s started spending any time not spent with Eavan at the hospital to better his chances of claiming the position. Though despite their best efforts, the courtship of sorts has been noticed and even mentioned in Witch Weekly, much to Fletcher’s annoyance.
The summer of fog is a miserable thing. He falls while on the expedition and breaks his ankle, finding himself in the Irvingly Infirmary for the remainder of the expedition. Eavan ends up with quite the wound from a crocodile. He meets her father for the first time in the hospital. It doesn't go well and, quite frankly, he acts like a pouty child and storms out. Amends are made and he sees to a fancy in home picnic in November. One thing leads to another and he ends up taking Eavan's virginity. #oops
1889: Fletch buys a ring for Eavan with every intention of proposing to her. Only problem is, he royally screws everything up when he finds a letter on her desk about a research opportunity. In America. He brings it up and it ends in a big fight. When he returns to make amends, he's informed by her colleague that she's already gone. Defeated, he leaves the ring he bought in her office and returns home to throw himself into work. 1890: Fletcher still hasn't spoke with Eavan since their fight. Any/all letters have gone unanswered. Fully defeated, he does nothing but work. Who knows what's to become of Fletch and the rest of his life.
Hardworking. Family Orientated. Stubborn. Loyal. Secret Softy. Protective. Ambitious. Savior Complex.
BEE-utiful Set!
[Image: BCHQCD.png]
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