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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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Tybalt Kirke
419 Posts
Played by MJ
Head of the Duelling Commission
28 year old Muggleborn
Head of the Duelling Commission
5 ft. 7 in.
❤   Married
Full Name: Tybalt James Kirke

Nickname(s): Tyb

Birthdate: September 9th, 1865

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Occupation: Duelling Commission Employee

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Residence: Bartonburg, Hogsmeade.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Dogwood, 11 1/2", unicorn hair, springy
Spruce, 10 3/4”, phoenix feather, bendy

Elsie Kirke née Beauregard | Wife | 1866
-- Bentley James Kirke | Son | b. 5th December, 1891
-- Maisie Elena Kirke | Daughter | b. 2nd June, 1893

& Beauregards et al | In-laws

John Kirke | Father | 1831 | Muggle
Helena Kirke née Godwin | Mother | 1836-1879 | Muggle
Atticus Kirke | Brother | 1856 | Wizard
Bianca Kirke | Sister | 1860 | Witch

Eliza Kirke née Carter | Step-mother | 1850 | Muggle
Diana Kirke | Half-sister | 1880 | Muggle
William Kirke | Half-brother | 1882 | Muggle

At 5’7”, Tybalt makes up for his nondescript height with a big personality. And the lingering advantages of his previous athletic career: swinging around a bat all day definitely strengthened his build. Though he is fairly ambidextrous on a broom, his instinctual writing and wand hand are his right, and spells he casts tend to be energetic and bold in hand movements. His hair, a very dark brown, is so naturally curly that it practically has a life of its own, and gets messier when he’s stressed, from raking his hands through it. He likes to think his eyes are a more interesting colour than plain ‘hazel’, mostly because the brown sometimes gains more green or gold in the light – at any rate, they habitually contain a mischievous twinkle. His face is generally honest and expressive; his smiles are beams; his stance light and bouncy on his feet; any tension in him is instantly obvious simply because it is so unusual. Tybalt is hardly naturally inclined to smartness of dress, though since taking up a Ministry career and becoming a husband and father, he does try to look tidy and respectable. Mostly he looks dishevelled, though.

1865 | Tybalt is born, the third child to the Kirkes, a middle class family in London. John is a doctor, a high-ranking physician from a muggle family; Helena, similarly, is a family of lawyers.

1867 | And yet, Tybalt has known about magic for as long as he can remember, since it is this summer that sees a representative of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry show up at the house to talk to their parents about Atticus. And then, all of a sudden, his brother Atticus is off to boarding school. Magical boarding school. (They don’t tell the neighbours that, of course.)

1871 | And now Bianca follows in his footsteps: no one had been sure whether she would show a sign of being different or continue to be - well, normal. And that leaves Tybalt alone in the house - though all his boredom there is offset by his days at school. Ordinary school, that is, with friends to entertain and lessons to learn, and no magic to speak of.

1876 | At last Tybalt shows his first sign of magic, which means he’s a wizard too! (By now his parents are at least not surprised, if not wildly enthused.) Unfortunately, because his birthday falls after September, he has to wait another long year to attend Hogwarts.

1877 | Even more unfortunately, this year sees tensions escalate between the muggle world and wizardkind - there is outrage around London, and the Kirkes are only spared from being caught up in it because they have kept their children’s abilities quiet. It is at about this time, however, that Helena falls ill. Tybalt, only eleven and too excited about school, doesn’t pay much attention. When he arrives at Hogwarts, he is sorted into Gryffindor like his brother (and unlike his sister, who is in Slytherin).

1878 | Despite John’s good reputation in his profession, Helena has spent most of the past year bedridden, and she dies soon after the children return for the summer. It is a relief to get back to the castle, where Tybalt is far from a solemn child; his reputation as a class clown flourishes.

1879 | As much as he hates classes, Hogwarts continues to prove an escape. In third year he adds Care of Magical Creatures and Earth Magic. Back at home, his father has now remarried, to one Eliza Carter - their engagement came so quickly the year before that the suspicion lingers in the family that John and Eliza were probably already well-acquainted before their mother’s health began deteriorating.  

1880 | Eliza gives birth to a girl, Diana. It is as clear to Atticus and Bianca as it is to Tyb that John is more devoted a father to this child than he ever was to them. He gives his elder children generous enough allowances and most of what they might ask him for, but he hardly goes out of his way to keep in touch with them, and for the most part they keep out of London. Bianca is incredibly career-focused. Atticus is... more wild.

1881 | In fifth year, Tybalt finally makes the Gryffindor quidditch team as beater! He has been a keen flyer since first year and an enthusiastic participant in many school clubs, but it is on the quidditch field that he thinks that, maybe for the first time, he’s found something he really is good at. It also sees a nice boost to his popularity, but more unexpectedly, he falls into friendship with Elsie Beauregard, a housemate he has previously overlooked because she is so shy and bookish. It turns out she makes a pretty great friend. His study habits, however, don’t benefit too much from that good influence:


1882 | Eliza gives birth again, to a boy, William.

1883 - 1884 | Seventh year sees Tybalt Gryffindor Captain, which he takes more seriously than he ever takes anything (...which does not sound terribly impressive, in itself). Also more serious than previously recognised is the Elsie situation, because the closer they become, the clearer it is that he has a huge crush. It takes him until graduation to muster the courage to come clean, of course. His NEWTs are... well, he’s passed, that’s all that matters.


It’s not as though he has career plans, anyway, so he decides to put good sense beyond him and cling to the one thing he has some talent at - quidditch. He has already had an eventful first taste of professional experience, having been selected second-string for the national team during 1883’s whirlwind of a World Cup, but now he gains a regular second-string position on the Chudley Cannons. His father, though the man takes little responsibility for their lives otherwise, supplements his crummy pay with an allowance.

1885 | A misunderstanding (and a fair amount of jealousy on Tyb’s part) sees he and Elsie stop speaking for a while, which is pretty miserable. Luckily, she forgives him and the rest of the year looks up considerably. This summer, dabbling in theatre sees Tybalt (and his brother) playing lead roles in a (spectacularly terrible) production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Hogsmeade.

1886 | He’s been happy on the Cannons, but when a first-string opportunity opens up on the Hogsmeade Howlers, he takes it.

1888 | Atticus is getting hella old, and Tybalt has promised to stop mooching off his brother, so he makes plans to move out into a Hogsmeade boarding house. His pay’s gone up a little, but his father’s financial support is getting less and less with every year, and it is becoming increasingly evident that he’d probably have better prospects if he had a real job... But who needs prospects anyway?

He does. He definitely does. January at the Cavanaugh quidditch party sees them busted in the library by Elsie's cousin Lucinda, no less, who puts it plainly that if he wants to have a future with Elsie, something has to change.

And they can't see each other like that anymore. In March, Tybalt tries to explain this to Elsie, but somehow that goes even worse than he has supposed, and now things have ended, and he's not sure Elsie even wants to marry him, anyway.

And then, just before Christmas, a chance encounter with her changes things again. She does want to marry him – just doesn't want him to have to give up quidditch.

1889 | Nevertheless, when the next season ends, Tybalt does, because he knows it's the only way, and he has made his peace with it. He starts at the Ministry in the Duelling Commission, because he's always been fond of duelling, and it can't be too bad, can it? It's not great, but it's something.

1890 | Tybalt gets a glimpse of quidditch life again when the World Cup comes around, and he gets a place on second string again. He still loves the sport, of course, but when his fellow beater hits a bludger into the crowd and someone dies because of it, he is perhaps relieved to have retired early. No doubt Elsie's relieved, too.

1891 | By the New Year, he and Elsie decide they're fed up of waiting, and resolve that by the end of next year they'll be married, one way or another. And they do begin courting, but...

Elsie comes over on her birthday in tears. She's pregnant. She's pregnant, and they're screwed. This was not the plan at all. So they elope in mid-May, and she moves in, and they'll figure it out as they go. It'll be fine. After the worst of the shock is over, Tyb finds out that, actually, he's happier than ever.

December 5th comes, and with it baby Bentley. A son.

ESFP | Tybalt is outgoing, bold and exuberant, an ostensible fount of unearned confidence. Socialising comes easily to him, probably because he is bored without company, and being bored is the worst thing in the world. He has no trouble talking to people, and likes nothing more than to make them laugh. (His teasing sometimes turns to flirting, but he prides himself on joking around with everyone indiscriminately.) His cheerfulness can veer towards overzealousness, and since he likes being the centre of attention so much it’s no wonder he has a flair for dramatics. Active and energetic, he is most comfortable in the realm of immediate things, spontaneity, the material world: since he rarely plans ahead, the future – in all its hazy ideas of seriousness, responsibility and commitment – seriously freaks him out. Though usually laidback, he can be prone to emotional outbursts or get clingy in times of stress or other pressure. (Wait, was being bored the worst thing? That’s not right: the worst thing, actually, is being ignored.)
— His patronus is a Portuguese water dog.

Thank Merlin for Tyb and his seemingly endless optimism. The more he spoke, the wider her smile became and the less anxious she felt. He really did know her better than she knew herself sometimes.Elsie Kirke
Tybalt Kirke struck her less as someone who was ready to be the head of his family and more as someone who had simply stumbled into it, and this did not instil her with an abundance of faith.Lucinda Cavanaugh
"I think you don't think, Kirke."Sebastian Beauregard
“You miss it.” She asserted. The difference between him here, on a broom, out in the fresh air, and stuck in a stuffy ballroom was almost startling. He seemed at ease here, his jokes in previous settings seemed almost… as if they covered up something so pure and happy that was trapped when he was in such a setting.Caroline Darrow
Tybalt Kirke's Most Liked Post: RE: Behold the MAYhem | Post Subject: Behold the MAYhem | Numbers of Likes: 6