Nicknames: Ellie, Lou
Birthdate: October 12, 1879
Current Age: 11
Occupation: Soon-to-be Firstie
Reputation: 8
Ellie is a child and has not yet brought scandal upon herself. However, her mother was a maid in the household before her father married her.Residence: London
Hogwarts House: As yet unknown
Wand: As yet unknown
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Isaac Sweetbrier, father, b. 1860Appearance:
Geraldine Sweetbrier née _, mother, b. 1860
Anthony Sweetbrier, brother, b. 1875
William Sweetbrier, brother, b. 1877
Natalie Sweetbrier, sister, b. 1883
Patrick Sweetbrier, grandfather, b. 1822
Maude Sweetbrier, grandmother, b. 1836
Rosanna née Sweetbrier, aunt, b. 1857 and family

Eloise is a small-framed and delicate child, with a pale complexion reflecting her family's wealth and social status. She has piercing sapphire blue eyes framed with long, light ash blonde hair, arching eyebrows, and a pointed chin. Standing at four feet, two and a half inches tall, she favors wizarding fashions at most every turn, preferably in shades of pink or orange. She is left-handed, and her governess has not bothered trying to force it out of her.
History:Before Isaac elopes in 1874 with Geraldine, one of the kitchen maids in his father's household, having fallen in love with her since his youth. The only reason Isaac is not disowned for this action is because he is his father's only son, and therefore the only source of a future heir. She is the same age he is, which is relatively young when they marry, only 24. A year later, their firstborn child arrives, a son they name Anthony. Anthony is followed within two years by another son, this one named William.Personality:
1879 Finally a daughter is born, immediately named Eloise by her mother.
1883 Eloise is a toddler when her only sister, Natalie, is born. She does not much care for the screaming infant.
1885 Ellie shows her first sign of magic in the midst of a tantrum, causing all of her toys to fly at anyone nearby sporadically.
1886 Anthony goes off to Hogwarts, sorted into _. For the first time, Ellie learns that she will be attending the same school. The school of her brothers. Her father. And yes, even her mother, though her mother doesn’t like to talk about her education much.
1888 William joins Anthony at Hogwarts, sorted into _.
1891 Due to her date of birth, Ellie will be attending her first year this September. She’s excited, if a little nervous, and can’t wait to see what the castle looks like. And learn, of course. She’s also excited about getting a wand.
This section will be updated as Eloise grows up.
- Eloise has a male owl named Plum, who is named for her favorite fruit.
- Though she is skilled with the pianoforte, she is thoroughly unskilled with all material artistic pursuits.
- Speaks passable French.
- This section will be updated as Eloise grows up.
Age: 27