Full Name: Amity Grace Rosewood
Nicknames: Ames
Birthdate: July 4, 1873
Current Age: 17 Years
Occupation: Seventh Year
Reputation: 9; She was very outspoken about her support of Topaz Urquart after Topaz was turned.
Residence: Sanditon Terrace is her primary residence, family also has a London homestead
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 12", Vine, Augurey Tail Feather, bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Edmund Rosewood, b. 1842
Chastity Rosewood nee ___ , b. 1848
Harmony ___ nee Rosewood, b. 1868 & family
Trinity ___ nee Rosewood, b. 1870 & family
Amity has hazel-green eyes and dark brown hair. When left to nature, her hair falls in a tumble of thick, luminous curls. Amity will sometimes restrain her hair with hair potions depending on her mood and whether she feels like styling her hair in a way her curls might not allow. Amity is biracial and it is obvious in her appearance.
She stands at five feet, one inches and has a petite build. When it comes to clothing, she likes to be as fashionable as possible and favors feminine colors with red or gold accents, the latter part being out of a sense of house pride. She is ambidextrous but has been trained to favour her right hand.
1873: Amity is born the third and final daughter of Edmund and Chastity Rosewood.Personality:1877: The family are luckily safe from the chaos that occurs when muggles find out about magic. The family chooses to stay in London rather than move to Hogsmeade like many of their family friends do.
1878: Amity shows her first signs of magic during a fight with Trinity. She causes her sisters dress to turn an ugly color reminiscent of vomit.
1879: Harmony goes off to Hogwarts. Amity misses her for the most part.
1881: Trinity goes off to Hogwarts. Amity enjoys being the center of attention now that she has her parents to herself.
1884: Amity goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor though the hat did briefly consider Hufflepuff.
1886: Harmony graduates from Hogwarts and ends up meeting the gentleman she would go on to eventually marry the night of her Coming Out Ball. Amity is a little aghast at this since she can't quite understand what is so special about him.
1887: Schoolmate Topaz Urquart is turned into a werewolf. Amity is very vocal in her support of Topaz which causes a friendship with Holliday Fudge to form.
1888: Trinity graduates and in the midst of her first season, also meets the man she would eventually proceed to marry. As far as Amity can tell, neither of her sisters husbands seem especially sociable so she feels her sisters must be missing out on all the fun a debutante could be having!
1890: Amity's father becomes the primary investor for the Sanditon Terrace which opens July of 1890. The remaining Rosewoods move there though they also keep their London home.
1891: With her Coming Out approaching as the school year approaches its final months, Amity has declared that she very much does not intend to get herself a beau in her first or second season. She wants to have some debutanting fun before settling down to be someones wife!
Class OWL NEWT Arithmancy E TBA Astronomy E TBA Care of Magical Creatures A -- Charms E TBA Defence Against the Dark Arts E TBA Divination A TBA Herbology A -- History of Magic D -- Potions O TBA Transfiguration E TBA
Age: 32