February 21, 2021 – 7:04 PM
Justin Ross — Played by Beanie
March 6th, 1891 — HMB
Miss Baker was a lawyer in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Ross only knew Mrs. Malfoy as Aldous Crouch's Sister. Which was to say, while she was probably a perfectly pleasant conversationalist and a decent socialite, it seemed likely that a lawyer would make short work of her.
After reviewing the
rules, he bid Miss Baker to begin.
@"Gertrude Baker" |
Josie Jones
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February 21, 2021 – 11:12 PM
Quite frankly, Gertrude knew that having Mr Ross as the referee was going to distract her. Her usual desire to beat her competition had been multiplied into a burning desire to destroy her opposition. She had to prove her abilities - and all while trying to focus on Mrs Malfoy, and not Mr Ross. It did occur to Gertrude that her job did not actually involve any magical ability at all, but that was inconsequential. She needed to win.
After the usual duelling pleasantries, Gertrude began by attempting to conjure some ice that would consume Mrs Malfoy and trap her in place. But not cover her face, Gertrude didn't want to kill her.
November Malfoy |
Ursula Black
February 22, 2021 – 3:49 AM
November Malfoy — Played by Olive
Nova was pleased not to have embarrassed herself but dismayed that she couldn't walk away from the dueling tournament just yet. While she didn't want to really go any further in the competition, she also didn't want to be hurt or humiliated publicly and throwing the duel seemed dishonorable. The only option left to her seemed to be casting a shield charm (which she'd managed to pull off in her last duel) and hope for the best.
Justin Ross |
Cassius Lestrange
February 22, 2021 – 4:02 AM
Justin Ross — Played by Beanie
Miss Baker's ice punctured the shield charm and encased Mrs. Malfoy; Ross removed it with another flick of his wand. "Mrs. Malfoy may begin the second round when ready," he announced.
G 4, N 3
November Malfoy Ursula Black
February 22, 2021 – 4:53 AM
November Malfoy — Played by Olive
Well that didn't work. Nova was more displeased about the sudden drop in body temperature she had experienced and the chills she still felt. Once she'd gotten her chattering teeth under control she cast her next spell. It was a spell for temporary blindness, very temporary and not at all painful, it was like being gently blindfolded but it would make it difficult for Miss Baker to hurl any more ice in her direction.
@"Gertrude Baker" |
Josie Jones
February 22, 2021 – 2:46 PM
Excellent. The first round had gone exactly as Gertrude had intended. Now she just needed to do it once more.
She attempted to cast a shield charm to protect herself from Mrs Malfoy’s spell.
February 22, 2021 – 4:00 PM
Justin Ross — Played by Beanie
Ross was genuinely surprised, after the first round, when Mrs. Malfoy's spell worked. From his memory the incantation she'd used cast a very temporary affect, so he waited a beat for the effects to leave Miss Baker. "Miss Baker may begin the tie-breaker," Ross announced.
N 7, G 6
@"Gertrude Baker"
Josie Jones
February 22, 2021 – 5:21 PM
Well. That was not how Gertrude intended the second round to go. Mrs Malfoy had done well, but Gertrude was intent on winning.
She cast a simple stunning spell to hopefully best Mrs Malfoy quickly.
November Malfoy |
Ursula Black
February 25, 2021 – 12:40 AM
November Malfoy — Played by Olive
If she wasn't careful she was going to have to duel again. Using the same logic that had failed her last time Nova placed her faith in a shield charm again.
Justin Ross Cassius Lestrange
February 25, 2021 – 3:13 AM
Justin Ross — Played by Beanie
Mrs. Malfoy's shield charm failed, and she dropped like a rock at Miss Baker's stunning spell. Ross announced Miss Baker the winner before heading over to revive her.
G 8, N 2