Thank you very much for your responses; I am being entirely genuine when I saw they are quite fascinating and I hope you will indulge me in some further questions. (The first portion of your payment is enclosed)
1. You wrote "[I] was bitten on my shoulder before the werewolf transformed back into himself," which I take to mean that you actually witnessed the transformation. If that's the case, this is
incredibly valuable from a research perspective since, as you can imagine, there are few ways to safely witness a werewolf's transformation and most of what we know on the subject is anecdotal. I understand that the experience was many years ago and you may not have been in a condition to see well, or to process what you saw, but if you can answer any of the questions below they will be extremely valuable to me:
a. What was physically occurring during the transformation?
b. Did the creature seem to anticipate the start of the transformation in any way, or did he appear to be taken by surprise?
c. Was the start of the transformation linked to any external stimulus that you could identify (for instance, the rising of the sun or the obscuring of the moon behind an obstacle)?
d. How did the werewolf react to the transformation? Did he seem to be in pain or resisting? If so, was this reaction consistent throughout the transformation or did it come on at a particular juncture?
e. Did you note any similarities in appearance between the werewolf and the man (for instance, a shared hair color, a shared scar or other deformity, etc)?
f. Was the man conscious upon conclusion of the transformation?
g. If so, what did he do or say? How did he leave the area?
h. Did he notice you? If so, how did he react to seeing you? Did he say anything? Did he try to assist you with your wound in any capacity?
2. It is remarkable that you were still able to apparate after having sustained such an injury. Do you remember how the healers treated the wound at the hospital? What did you tell them about the origins of the injury?
3. Blacking out the experiences during the full moon is quite common, though I've not yet determined whether those afflicted are entirely unaware during the transformed period or whether the mind, as a sort of defense against trauma, buries these memories upon the night's completion. You wrote, however, that you have made changes; I imagine you mean you have changed the methods you use to contain or control your transformed self during the full moons. Can you articulate what you current do, and what the impetus was to change your habits?
4. You likely do not need me to tell you this, but many werewolves do not last as long as you have without exposure or coming to some sort of harm, during the full moons or otherwise. I have no question on this point; rather, I thought I ought to acknowledge the difficulty of what you've done and the immense stress your situation must have placed you in, throughout the years.
5. Your decision to remain covert for financial reasons is entirely understandable, and as my research indicates, quite common (the only factor more often cited is a desire not to lose social connections with family or close friends). Do you think, if there were a career (or other method of sustaining your lifestyle) which allowed you to live openly with this identity, you would choose to do so? I understand a question like this may be difficult to consider in the hypothetical, but I think phrasing it this way helps illuminate certain things, if you will indulge me.