Birthdate: November 3, 1866
Current Age: 22
Occupation: Herbologist & Author
Reputation: 8 or 7 or 6, IDK
Her family is fairly eccentric, varying by each family member. Both parents can be seen as odd, and Earth and her siblings have very odd names. Most of her siblings, including herself, embrace these names rather than be embarrassed by them. She herself is an Herbologist and Author of such subject. She is quite odd and has also named her own children... unique names. She is also an active member of the Church of Magical Jesus, as is her husband.Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Alder, 14", bendy, unicorn hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Appearance:The Smith family is quite close and caring for each other, and often visit one another if someone doesn't live with the main household (such as married daughters and working sons), and this connection extends to family members that are in-laws.
Her and most of her siblings are named in order of closest to farthest planets from the sun... after Sun was born. Due to this, her parents ignored which names were actually more feminine or masculine when naming some of their children. Most children have learned to live with/accept/like their names.
Husband: Arthur Beck (1858) Halfblood - Owner of an Herb and Floral Shop
Daughter: Moondew Beck (1887) Halfblood
Son: Gillyweed Beck (November, 1888) Halfblood
Daughter: Floo Beck (November, 1888) Halfblood
Father: Eric Smith (1833) Muggle - Astronomy Professor at a muggle university
Mother: Tiffany Smith (1838) Muggleborn - Academic Author; Main focus is Astronomy
Brother: Sun Smith (1856) Halfblood - Employed in the Werewolf Capture Unit (Slytherin)
Brother: Mercury Smith (1862) Halfblood - Chemist (Ravenclaw)
and family
Brother: Venus Smith (1865) Halfblood - Composer (Hufflepuff)
Sister: Mars ___ née Smith (1868) Halfblood - Wife & Co-Owner of an Antiques Shop (Slytherin)
and husband
Sister: Jupiter Smith (1868) Halfblood - Explorer & Archeologist (Works with Saturn) (Gryffindor)
Brother: Saturn Smith (1870) Halfblood - Explorer & Linguist (Works with Jupiter) (Hufflepuff)
Brother: Uranus Smith (1871) Squib - Student & Aspiring Librarian
Brother: Neptune Smith (1874) Halfblood - Ravenclaw Student & Aspiring Artist
Sister: Moon Smith (1876) Halfblood - Gryffindor Student & Aspiring Werewolf Expert or 'Most Awesome Auror'
Eyes: GreyHistory:
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'8"
Clothing: When working on her magical garden, she usually wears clothing that she wouldn't care if it had a few stains on them. Sometimes she is forgetful about changing out of said clothing before having company over but does have the good sense to change before leaving her home. While her normal clothing is never the latest fashion, she does know how to dress nicely.
Dominant Hand: Left
PB ~ Candice Accola
1866: Born as the first daughter and forth child of her family, she is promptly named Earth.Personality:
1867: Earth is to young to remember this. Sun is off to Hogwarts, and was sorted into Slytherin.
1868: Twin girls are born and are named Mars and Jupiter. With the difference in eye color, it's at least a bit easier to tell them apart from each other when one actually looks.
1870: Another brother is welcomed into the family. Named Saturn, he is a fairly quiet baby.
1871: Yet another brother is born, and named Uranus.
1873: Earth starts showing signs of magic.
1874: Another little brother is born and named Neptune, after the last known planet of the galaxy. What ever will her parents do if another child comes around?. Earth is disappointed that there isn't another girl. So many boys in the family is quite overwhelming. Though there are at least the twins.
Sun graduates from Hogwarts.
1876: This answer comes quick, bringing along a girl with it! Named Moon, this is the first child since Sun to not be named after an actual planet.
1878-1879: It is Earth's time to go to school. Sorted into Ravenclaw, she takes a quick fascination in Herbology. Near the end of the year, she is introduced to the Church of Magical Jesus by another student. Fascinated by the concept, she learns more about it for the rest of the year. During summer she asks her family if she may attend a service with said other student and is allowed to. Sun chaperones her, and she is delighted to introduce him to this interesting experience as well. She spends the rest of the summer trying to convert her family.
1880: For her OWLs elective, she takes up Earth Magic.
1882: Done with her OWLs, she comes back to Hogwarts for her NEWTs and takes astronomy, charms, herbology, Potions, transfiguration, earth magic, and alchemy.
1883: Mercury gets married to another chemist. They certainly have a lot of chemistry between them.
Summer, 1884: Earth meets Mr Arthur Beck at church. Quietly develops a crush on the man, she says nothing of it. They do become friends and get to know each other through the church.
1885: Graduating feels strange and unfamiliar. Later in the year, Mr Beck requests to court Earth. Both are delighted when her father and mother allow this. By the end of the year, Mr Beck purposes with the blessing of her family. She says yes.
1886: In the middle of the year, they are married.
1887: Mars is married, and Earth has her first child named Moondew. Several months later, Mercury's wife gives birth to twins, named Helium and Nitrogen. His wife doesn't survive.
November, 1888: Once again Earth gives birth, this time to twins. Her son is named Gillyweed, and her daughter is named Floo.
Amortentia: The smell of her Bible, Arthur's hair, Moon's scent, and the smell of her greenhouse.
Patronus: Can't cast one
Boggart: A giant serpent
Star Sign: Scorpio
Hobbies: Studying geology and volunteering for charity.
Pets: A toad named mint
Academic Books and Journals
- The Illustrated Guide to Magical Flora of the British Isles, 1886
- A Study into the Differences of Magical and Non-Magical Flora, 1887
- Magical Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts, work-in-progress
Established around about the time that the Church of England split from Rome, the Church of Magical Jesus is magical society’s clearest, most favourable bridge to God. It looks to the New Testament as the story of Jesus, a muggleborn wizard, and God as the divine source of all magic and magical creatures. The ability to use magic is God’s blessing upon an individual and their family, and the loss of that ability a sign that one’s family has fallen from holy favour.
Their symbol is that of the Christian cross, where the long arm has been replaced by a wand to signify the gift of magic to wizardkind.
Most notably, their beliefs state that:
❧ Magic makes wizards closer to God’s image than muggles.
❧ If a wizard is made non-human, it is because they have sinned deeply. If a wizard is made a squib, it is because their family has sinned deeply.
❧ Muggles are to be guided and protected as the lesser of God’s children, but never to be considered equals.
❧ Muggleborns were chosen by God himself, and so are likely to have bright futures if they don’t squander all their potential.
❧ Ghosts are the spirits of sinners too cowardly to go to Hell.
❧ For best results, church is to be attended daily.
Many members of the faith attend 'standard' church services wherever they live, such as at the Church of St Fergus in Irvingly. However, the CMJ also rents out Hogsmeade Hall on the second Sunday of every month for a more CMJ-focused service, members do bible study at one another's homes, and the older ladies of the church have an excellent pamphlet-making-and-distributing system going on.
Age: 20