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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

A Sensible Request, Probably
July 4th, 1888

Mr. B. Ross,


I write to ask a favour of you, though I know I have no business doing so. As you can imagine, we are coming to a busy time in the wandmaking industry, and I have been somewhat adrift with the loss of my apprentice, Miss Temerita Reid. Miss Reid lives with her family in Irvingly and, given the fog, has been unable to report to work. I simply do not think that I can adequately meet the need of the magical population without her this summer—particularly with my brother's shop in Hogsmeade out of commission just as she is.

With this in mind, I humbly ask you to reconsider the Ministry's position on civilian transport and allow passage for Miss Reid and her guardian as soon as possible on a train already carrying Ministry of Magic personnel. I can assure you that she is not the sort to abuse the privilege, and I am assured that both will be seeking accommodation in London for the duration.

I thank you for your swift reply.


Gervaise B. Ollivander

Bee makes the pretty things ♥ —
06 July, 1888
Mr. Ollivander,

With consideration to the time of year, the current state of Ollivander's Hogsmeade branch, and the need for professional wand-makers in Britain, I feel the need is great enough to grant a travel pass for both Miss Temerita Reid and her guardian.

The travel pass in question will be limited in power in that it will permit her to leave Irvingly, but not allow her to return to the village except under the same dire circumstances that apply to the rest of the civilian population at the moment.

This is to entirely for security purposes, as I'm sure you can understand given the expedition currently under way. She should receive the temporary passes through the post within a week's time.

Mr. Benjamin Ross
Head of the Dept. of Magical Transportation

Post Log
July 6th, 1888

Mr. B. Ross,

I thank you for your efforts and your understanding.


Gervaise B. Ollivander

Bee makes the pretty things ♥ —

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