June 20th
To Mr. Keene:
I write with a proposal, though one I by no means expect you to accept lightly should you choose to do so at all; I am quite conscious of the delicacy of the situation and will not be at all offended if you think it best to decline. In the years since the attack removed my magical abilities, I have traveled through America and trained as a nurse, under the guise of the Muggle, as I was at first too sensitive towards the difficulties my family would face should they learn of my altered state to attempt to have anything at all to do with magical society.
I had considered offering my services at the hospital upon my return to the country, but I was not at all confident that anyone would think it wise or sensible to bring in any staff incapable of using magic when there are many skilled healers who can do much more — to say nothing of the public difficulty of playing employer to a vampire. With the recent developments in the fog situation, however, I cannot in good conscious refrain from at least making you aware of my skills and my willingness to help, since it occurs to me that I may possibly have picked up skills which your healers, from lack of necessity, have never learned previously, and which may prove a life or death matter should the situation in Hogsmeade continue.
Unfortunately I can furnish no references under my own name, as I never used it. At the time of my departure from Hogsmeade both of my brothers were still alive, and out of respect for their well-being I thought it best to remain as anonymous in my new life as possible. If you would prefer, I would be more than willing to demonstrate my skills in person if you can devise a suitable practical examination.
Miss Lyra Potter
I write with a proposal, though one I by no means expect you to accept lightly should you choose to do so at all; I am quite conscious of the delicacy of the situation and will not be at all offended if you think it best to decline. In the years since the attack removed my magical abilities, I have traveled through America and trained as a nurse, under the guise of the Muggle, as I was at first too sensitive towards the difficulties my family would face should they learn of my altered state to attempt to have anything at all to do with magical society.
I had considered offering my services at the hospital upon my return to the country, but I was not at all confident that anyone would think it wise or sensible to bring in any staff incapable of using magic when there are many skilled healers who can do much more — to say nothing of the public difficulty of playing employer to a vampire. With the recent developments in the fog situation, however, I cannot in good conscious refrain from at least making you aware of my skills and my willingness to help, since it occurs to me that I may possibly have picked up skills which your healers, from lack of necessity, have never learned previously, and which may prove a life or death matter should the situation in Hogsmeade continue.
Unfortunately I can furnish no references under my own name, as I never used it. At the time of my departure from Hogsmeade both of my brothers were still alive, and out of respect for their well-being I thought it best to remain as anonymous in my new life as possible. If you would prefer, I would be more than willing to demonstrate my skills in person if you can devise a suitable practical examination.