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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Daesyn Mackenzie

[Image: vP9VgKc.jpeg]

Full Name: Daesyn Williams Mackenzie
Nicknames: Dae (Day), Didi
Birthdate: June, 2nd, 1872
Current Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Cursebreaker
Reputation: 7 MC female in masculine profession
Residence: Primarily London, also Inverness
Hogwarts House: Griffindor
Wand: Aspen, 12", unyielding, Dittany Stalk core
Blood Status: Half blood
Social Class: Middle
Father: Lachlan Mackenzie - Blackwatch Colonel (Muggle) - He isnt around as much as Daesyn would like due to being often stationed abroad, but she adores him and is used to his absence.
Mother: Ayleen Mackenzie, nee Williams - Home keeper (witch)
Elder sister: - married off
Younger Brother: - in hogwarts, parents expect him to enlist after school
Appearance: 5’3” with dark auburn hair and brown eyes, Daesyn has an athletic build. She prefers her right hand for wand and sword use but has taught herself to use her left hand for her wand to keep her right available. She likes leather and clothes and prefers a trouser over a dress in most situations.

1872: Born as the middle child and youngest daughter of her parents in Inverness, Scotland.
1878: Was caught in the garden shed at her parents home with a small, mouldy, marionette that she had somehow animated. The episode was only brief but confirmed her magical heritage.
1881: Convinced her father to let her take sword fighting lessons after helping him practice with his officer's sword. These lessons continued throughout the rest of her childhood and she became quite competent.
1883: Started Hogwarts - sorted into Gryffindor as she had hoped.
1885: Involved in an incident one evening involving a werewolf that had changed under the moon. An older boy was seriously injured protecting her. It gave her a distrust of werewolves which also extended to animagi and the like. She was never told what happened to the boy, or the attacker.
1889: Finished OWLs with good grades.
Ancient Runes - A
Arithmancy - O
Astronomy - A
Charms - E
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Ghoul Studies - A
Herbology - E
History of Magic - A
Potions - E
Transfiguration - E
1891: Passes NEWTS with similarly high grades
Ancient studies - E
Arithmancy - O
Charms - E
Gobbledegook - A
Potions - A
Transfiguration - E

August 1891: Applied and accepted for trainee Cursebreaker position
September 1891 Takes a part time position on weekends at her friend's fencing school.
September 1893: Promoted to position of full Cursebreaker
Late 1893: An incident in London involving transporting dragons caused severe injuries to a couple of her friends. Daesyn was was visiting Grimgots and lent her hand in dealing with crowd control on that day so was fortunate to not face a dragon herself, but part of her feels like she missed out on some action.
January 1894: Anonymous letter received promising his hand to Daesyn in marriage at her parents house but so far nothing has come of it.
Personality: A brave and aggressive woman who would have become a soldier in the Black Watch had she been a son. Respects her family and her place in society greatly and wishes to serve to make people safer. Adores sword fighting and teaching it, uses it to keep her in shape. The flexibility of Grimgots who are happy to allow wizards to use whatever message they choose means she sometimes carries her sword when outside of more polite society.
She is receptive to the idea that she should be getting married soon, but is keen on finding a man with similar interests to her and doesn't relish the idea of giving up her important job to start having children. As the middle child she has a little less pressure than her already married sister, something that she thanks the older woman for regularly.
Other: The sword she acquired from her grandfather was silvered generations ago because of a silly muggle superstition involving slaying monsters with silver

Name: Chris
Age: 30+
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: Violetta DeCroix, Ignatius Prince, Benedict Hunter
How did you hear about us?: where or who?

[Image: McDPR8f.png]
Thank you MJ for this art
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