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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
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I don't want to get out of bed
December 24th, 1893 - Marseille

The young French lady lay on her bed in Marsaille looking out the window at the tree in the garden. The golden Sun shone from the clear blue sky and the brown leaves lept from the branches, dancing on the wind like so many small birds. Her father was put early this morning, drumming up further investors to the company he worked for, with several of their ships turned turtle in the Thames by the dragon attacks, he had been working harder than usual, but he sworn that he would be home for the following day, that was Christmas. The Maid walked into her room tapping gently on the pipes as she did so to ensure the blonde was awake. ”bonjour, mademoiselle DeCroix, il est temps de se lever. Votre mère souhaite vous voir dans sa loge pour essayer votre tenue pour la messe de minuit.”

Violetta smirked, ”J'aimerais rester au lit. Ma mère ni moi ne sommes catholiques. La messe est réservée aux classes les plus idiotes.”

The old maid, having been in the family longer than Violetta herself, looked at the reclining girl with raised eyebrows.

”C'est acceptable Violetta, j'informerai ta mère qu'elle accompagnera seule l'amiral et son fils. Je doute que cela la dérange du tout.”

Vee wrinkled her nose and pulled the cover around herself. ”Bien! fais-moi couler mon bain et je me lèverai.” she replied with grudging acceptance.

Translations for the curious
Good morning, miss DeCroix, it is time to get up. Your mother wishes to see you in her dressing room to try on your outfit for midnight mass.

I would like to stay in bed. My mother nor I are Catholic. Mass is reserved for the sillier classes.

That is acceptable Violetta, I shall inform your mother that she will be accompanying the admiral and his son alone. I doubt she will mind at all.

Fine! run me my bath and I shall get up.

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