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Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

rocking around the christmas tree
Tiger had decided to bring along his kids to find a good tree for their home. They had all dispersed as some saw friends from Hogwarts, sweets or hot chocolate. He had been left with instructions to find the biggest and fluffiest tree he could find. Granted, they could have done this on their own land but Tiger had been craving the sense of community that tended to come with events like this. And seeing his children happily running around with their friends told him this had been the right choice.

He was walking along the rows of trees when he came across someone who looked like they were having a bit of a struggle with their chosen tree. "Are you all right there?" Tiger asked jovially as he made his presence known.

Strictly speaking, Evangeline wasn't really intending on cutting her own tree. She had brought a servant for that. She did know her own abilities better than to assume she could--or should--do this herself.

That had been her intention. But the poor fellow had cut himself--nothing too dramatic, but apparently she'd brought the footman with an unfortunate tendency to faint at the sight of blood. Marvelous. He'd been seen to, and sent off, and now Eva was still here, looking at the tree she'd picked out, and thinking about going to all this effort just to settle for something pre-cut was galling for reasons she couldn't really articulate. Possibly, she was too stubborn for her own good.

That thought felt a bit too close to admitting quite a lot of people were right, actually, so Eva was ignoring it, which was the only real explanation for how she ended up with a saw in her hand, trying to work out what she was doing. It couldn't be that difficult, surely. People had been cutting down trees for as long as they'd been making things out of wood, presumably. If they could all figure it out, so could she.

That said, she had made very little headway before someone came upon her. "Fine!" she called out, sounding much more out of breath than was probably necessary to make that sound convincing.

Personally, Tiger felt the young woman probably would have been better off getting one of the pre-cut trees that were also available. He wasn't about to judge her though - perhaps she had thrilled at the thought of handling an axe - though she was holding a saw. Many of the women in his family could definitely handle cutting their own tree but this woman was not dressed for such an endeavour so even if that had been her goal, she was still clearly not a practiced hand at it.

As predicted by the writer before me, Tiger was not entirely convinced. Besides that, she was a tiny little thing with a saw. Those two things did not tend to match well when it came to trying to fall a tree the size of the one she was gnawing at. "Perhaps you would have better luck with an axe? You can borrow mine," he suggested.

Evangeline relaxed a little. "Oh. Yes. Thank you." The saw was much more useless than she'd expected it to be. In fairness, she really, really didn't know what she was doing. Still, that wasn't going to stop her, so she held out her hand for the man's axe. "I wasn't planning to do this on my own," she said by way of explanation. "So I might be less than perfectly equipped."

Seeing this wisp of a woman wielding an axe was more amusing - and lowkey attractive - than it ought to be. "I did wonder. Usually young women have someone to do the cutting for them or they pick among the pre-cut selection," Tiger mused.

He didn't sound like he was mocking her, so Evangeline offered the man a smile. "I'm afraid my help wasn't much help," she said, hefting the axe experimentally to be sure she had a solid grasp on it. Well, it felt like it wasn't going to slip from her hands at the exact wrong moment, at the very least. "Though, if you wouldn't mind standing by while I take my first swings, I would appreciate it."

"How unfortunate. I am glad I was able to be of some help," Tiger said, even if it was just to loan her the use of his axe."Of course." Tiger said in easy agreement. After all, he would feel bad if he walked away and she ended up hurting herself or something. It looked like she had a good grip of the axe but he still gave her a decent berth.

"Thank you." Evangeline's smile broadened and then she turned toward the tree. She still wasn't at all confident that she could do this, mind, but she appreciated a man who didn't feel the need to try to talk her out of it. Eva liked to think that she wasn't so stubborn that she wouldn't stop and ask for help if it became obvious this was beyond her capabilities. She was... at least seventy-percent sure she wasn't that stubborn. Probably.

Just to be sure, she took a practice swing, and was pleased when she didn't immediately lose her grip or otherwise make a fool of herself. That was promising. She took another swing, this one with true intent and let out a triumphant, and unladylike, "Ha!" when the axe landed more or less as she'd intended it to.

Tiger kept watch as she took a practice swing. She managed to keep hold of the axe at least. Impressive, really given that his axe was a little larger than the average axe due to his being a rather big man. "Excellent swing," Tiger complimented as she swung the axe once more. He didn't know how many swings it would take for her to actually fell the tree though. It was hard to say.

"Thank you." Evangeline flashed the man a smile, and then took another swing. She was going to break an unseemly sweat doing this, but Eva couldn't bring herself to care. This would also doubtless take more time with her doing it herself, but she didn't mind that much either. The real key was not running out energy before she got through the tree's trunk. The axe was terribly heavy.

Tiger watched her for a moment before speaking up. "I'll be right back," he informed her so that she wouldn't think she was just abandoning her with his axe. He headed back to the entrance and got a plate of assorted Honeydukes treats and a couple of hot chocolates before heading back to where he had left the woman. "I thought you might work up an appetite."

"Oh, thank you," Eva said, accepting the hot chocolate and taking a sip. She was surprisingly warm. Or perhaps it wasn't that surprising, really--Evangeline didn't exactly exert herself physically like this very often. "I'm sorry, it's only just occurred to me that I must be keeping you from getting your own tree."

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