Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I hope you can excuse my imposition in sending you a letter. I am a fifth year student at Hogwarts, and a lady, and I am extremely interested in becoming an auror. My grades so far have been very excellent and I am expecting to do well on my O.W.L.s; I think that my temperament also has me well-suited to the job.
If you do not mind, can you speak as to your experience as an auror? I would be greatly indebted to you!
It is no imposition, as I'm always delighted to hear of fellow women wishing to join the auror's office.
I will, however, be frank with you. The desire to be an auror will have to be unparalleled by anything else for you to succeed. This isn't work for the faint of heart, and you will sacrifice much of your life to the Ministry. If you do succeed, though, it is the most rewarding work you will ever do. Saving someone from potential harm, changing the world for the better, it is all anyone should wish to do.
Do write to me with any questions. I'll be happy to oblige. I've also included the list of classes you will need to enter the training program, just so you're aware of what you must focus on with your OWLs.
Thank you! I've read your list of classes and had a question - it seems there is some flexibility in the courses outside of Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense, and Charms. Would you most recommend Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, or History of Magic for my final course? Or does it not matter?
I am fully prepared to commit myself to the work - I think there is little else I want. But I admit that I must ask - what is it like to work with mostly men? Do they take you seriously?
Of those three, I would recommend Ancient Runes. That being said, it's purely out of a personal bias that I make that recommendation as that's the elective I continued with. There might be some additional uses for Arithmancy if that is where your interests lie.
Most have learned to. The challenge is to enforce that you're not beneath them. You're not a secretary or a desk employee, and you must insist upon being treated as is your due. I'll not sugarcoat my answer for you — it is exceedingly difficult to enforce this at times. There are some men who simply refuse to accept the changing times. Thankfully, though, they are the few. So long as you find yourself a good mentor you'll do just fine.
I look forward to seeing you come through the training program in a few years.