Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I hope you'll excuse my writing you out of the blue — I realize this is a rather strange request and won't be at all offended if you see fit to simply ignore this letter, but as I am rather out of my depth here I thought it might be worth the attempt.
To make a long and convoluted story short, I have taken guardianship of a young woman who will soon be departing for Hogwarts. This young woman has had no positive female role models in her life and her interests are nontraditional for her sex, and the idea of going to school and being asked to give up everything she finds interesting in order to become a 'proper lady' has filled her with dread. I think it would benefit her greatly to see an example of how women such as yourself can make their own way in the world.
Which brings me to my request: would it be possible for me to bring this young woman to meet you? I understand, of course, that you must be very busy in preparations for the World Cup; if it is not possible to meet, a letter or word of advice might be just as well appreciated.
I understand this is a favor I have no right to ask, particularly as we are unacquainted, but thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you are inclined to at least consider my request.
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
8th July, 1890
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
Sir, if I can survive bludgers coming out of the blue, I can certainly manage an unexpected letter!
Though I have never really been thought of as a role model for anyone before, so I am quite out of my depth on that score. All the same, I would be thrilled to meet this mysterious young ward of yours and impart any wisdom you think I might have! ...I do hope she likes quidditch, though, for I’m rather useless on most everything else.
I could invite you both to tea, but - as I expect you’ve put together - I don’t have much practice in hosting proper company. Still, I am local to Hogsmeade and am happy to meet wherever is best. Does this Sunday suit?
Thank you very much for your kind reply. This Sunday would suit perfectly, although I am also not particularly well-equipped as a host (and to be frank I doubt the young lady has much interest in tea anyway, regardless of the company). Can we meet you in Padmore Park and have a quick stroll? The edge of the lake that was used to begin the pumpkin races (if you remember those from last fall) would make a good place to rendezvous, I should think.
And she is quite fond of Quidditch, so please be assured on that front. Thank you again for your willingness to meet her.
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
10th July, 1890
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
Well, that would be splendid! I know just the part of the park you mean and can be there at about two o’clock? I will look out for you both, but I’ll be the witch with the awful ginger hair, easy to spot! (Trust me, you shan’t miss me.)
Very much looking forward to meeting your young friend,
I had planned to send you a note of congratulations after yesterday's match, but considering the way things ended that doesn't particularly seem to be the right tone. Billie and I did go to watch the match and she was quite pleased with your performance in the beginning (she nearly lost her hat when you scored the first goal, she was cheering so fiercely), but I don't think either of us anticipated quite the level of violence we had in store for us. To be honest, if I had known how it would end I don't think I could have justified buying her a ticket, no matter how much she likes you — but in any case I am glad your kneecaps survived the match.
I'm not sure whether the way it ended has scared Billie off of Quidditch or not — she was more concerned, strangely enough, with how you were faring in the light of the news. I can't imagine this is the first time you've witnessed a traumatic bludger injury, given your profession — but it may indeed be the most severe, and I'm not certain how much, if anything, you saw from your vantage point — so let me join Billie in hoping the incident has not affected you. We won't be attending the second half of the match but are both wishing fervently for your continued safety and good luck on the pitch.
I don't think I ever properly thanked you for meeting with her last month, and wanted to correct that oversight now. While Billie is certainly still nervous about school and everything, I think having the chance to talk with you (and to see you play yesterday) has been a boon to her confidence. I'm indebted to you for that. If there's ever anything I can do to repay your kindness, I hope you won't hesitate to let me know.
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
24th August, 1890
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
You don’t know how glad I was to get your letter! I was worried about both of you - I hope it didn’t happen anywhere near you in the stands, and am pleased that you’re both alright, at least physically. I was also a bit worried that you might now be very seriously regretting letting me have talked to Billie at all, and I hope that isn’t the case because I had a terrific time talking to her, and I hope she isn’t too shaken to be put off flying for good.
Nor you permanently put off encouraging her in it, hopefully! The bludgers are always a little unsettling, but when you get used to dodging they’re really not that bad, and this sort of thing was dreadful luck. I’m sorry you both had to witness it. It’s hardly been known to happen in school matches, at least, and the boys at Hogwarts aren’t nearly as strong in the arms as that.
And it was my pleasure, so hardly needs repaying - but if you truly don’t mind indulging me, I’d love to hear how Billie gets on at school when you have news from her! I’m excited for her.
We were seated about as far from the incident as possible, in fact, which I'm terribly grateful for. If they hadn't stopped the match we might not have realized how serious it was at all. Billie doesn't seem to be put off flying yet, though I admit I'm much more nervous now about the idea of her playing Quidditch this year than I was previously... but school Quidditch is hardly the same as professional Quidditch, as you said, so I'm sure I'm wrong to worry. I don't recall anyone ever getting more than a broken bone during my school days, so I'm sure she'll be just fine regardless of how the beaters do.
In any case, she still seems quite interested in it all, and so I can't regret introducing the two of you. And I certainly can let you know how she gets on at school, but I'd be surprised if she doesn't just write to tell you herself — she's not a particularly reserved child, as you know. You may live to regret asking for school updates if the both of us drown you in letters!
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
29th August, 1890
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
You might have seen the Prophet today already with the news that they’ve banned bludgers at Hogwarts - and I shan’t bore you with my opinions on the matter, but I suppose if it does anything to soothe the worries you or any other students’ guardians have of letting them play, I can at least be pleased about that.
Billie’s enthusiasm definitely doesn’t seem dampened - she has sent me a letter or two already, you might have seen that - and I’m enormously excited on her behalf all the same.
You grossly underestimate my nosiness, by the way. (Which I suppose makes sense, as I am practically a stranger!) The fact is now I have met Billie I shall need to know just about every adventure she has, and if you two do not write to me to satisfy my curiosity I promise I would be pestering you in person for the news instead, and you absolutely don’t want that. Your customers would begin to think Ollivander’s was haunted by a very loud ginger poltergeist!
I do admit that I have rather conflicted feelings about the news. As a fan and occasional childhood player I can't imagine what the game will be like without bludgers, but as a fath guardian I am relieved that Billie won't be have broken bones to contend with. At least, not bludger-induced broken bones; she may well find some other way to endanger herself while adventuring, but hopefully nothing the Hogwarts nurse can't handle.
And if you really are as nosy as you say, I imagine we won't remain 'practically strangers' long. In that vein, feel free to visit the shop whenever you please if you find my letters in any way wanting; the shop is hardly so busy during the school year that you would be a bother (unless, of course, you intend to act on that poltergeist comment by destroying my wares!)
Captain & First-String Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies
29 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 3 in.
❤ Spinster
Played by MJ
142 Posts
1st September, 1890
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
Yes, it really won’t be the same game without the bludgers - and I don’t know how they’ll expect players to join the league after graduating their school team with no experience of dodging bludgers or playing beater. But as you say that’s no problem for Billie, though I hope she manages to get into mischief of the kind that doesn’t end up with too many bruises or broken bones.
Aha! Well now that I have extorted an invitation I’m certain I’ll stop by to make good on it, and if you shan’t think it an annoyance I will be on my best behaviour when it comes to your wares. (And by that I mean any destruction will be entirely accidental, for I can’t promise miracles.) I suppose Billie left for Hogwarts today - I hope it all breezed by without incident, and that it doesn't feel too quiet without her.
All the same, I am looking forward to her adventures, and I don’t doubt she’ll have plenty!