While I've basically always assumed stuff as we went along, there have always been a few glaring questions in my mind that either haven't been written out in the lore, occupations list, or addressed IC (at least from what I've read):
- Who promotes who? I know the Minister appoints the heads of departments when the positions are vacated, but who appoints the lower positions? Heads of departments hire assistant heads, right? Does the Minister have the right to do that as well? What are the powers (or responsibilities) of the assistant heads?
- Apparel-wise, what colors are the ministry robes? Are they all similar colors? Do certain positions have certain robe colors to denote status? I know we talked auror robes once, but I never figured out if all the normal departmental workers wore the same thing. This is just an awkward thing I've wanted to know but have just avoided IC :P
- What do we assume the Ludicrous Patents Office does? Even HP Wiki doesn't seem to have much clue besides what the name might suggest. Do they deal with ... broomstick patents? Board game patents? Any kind of patent, whether sports/games or not?
- Lawyers — are they prosecution or defense? Both? Do prospective lawyers have to learn both sides, or do they specialize in one?