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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

QWC Match One: Britain vs. Hawaii
Well, that was going to be one hell of a conversation to have once the game was over. Lopaka was a competitive one, too — he might actually try and kill Ko if he went out like that and then they lost.

So they couldn't lose, and he needed to redeem himself, fast. He'd almost hit that girl on the English team twice, so tried for that again and hoped for the best. Maybe they could even out the chaser numbers... not that he really wanted to be responsible for seriously injuring some poor English girl.

[C4 > B5, hitting towards Augusta] @"Elsie Beauregard"

The wind buffeted at Rufus as he watched the chaos unfold, trying to keep his attention on the quaffle and not the Hawaiian player falling to the ground. He hadn't been able to pressure the nearest chaser into dropping the quaffle so instead he watched, ready to catch the quaffle whether the other team scored or not.

[Image: vgR1rM.png]
BEE-utiful set!
[Image: bCBJMyB.png]
Gods! this wasn't going well! The bludgers had not been on their side today! at all! Gripping her broom with her damaged arm she turned it and headed back towards the English goals. They couldn't afford for her to go out now!


June 27th, 1890 - Portree Stadium

"Hawaii makes a quick rebound, but Zavala makes the block yet again! At least somebody can do their job correctly today!

Looks like the Hawaiian beaters need to take a little more care after knocking out one of their own- Robins again the target, this time it's a hit- whoa it actually happened folks! That's going to leave some bruising for sure!

A strong gust of wind blows through the pitch- the players in the middle collide and it looks like both Bixby and Hekekia are sporting a little whiplash from the gale. 

The quaffle is loose in the British score zone! Players positions may look different from your movements because of the weather impacts!

0 1 2 3 4 5
C O---  BL         RB KH KC ---O

<-- LEFT RIGHT -->
Hawaiian Score Zone British Score Zone

Includes Daily NPC Rolls!
010 Hawaii || Britain 010

* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
**Please Tag @"Elsie Beauregard" with your moderation needs**

Please contact a member of the staff team if you have an NPC post to go up!

Time to keep the pressure on! She flew towards the quaffle
C4 - C5

He grimaced as Hawaii's beater actually clipped one of their players at last. Hoping the winds (yes, he was going to keep blaming the winds) had changed, Tybalt barrelled the nearest bludger towards Hawaii's female chaser in retaliation.
B5, bludger at Kailani

Huzzah, a hit! He was going to have to do better than a little bruising to make up for accidentally taking out a teammate and trashing his broom, though. He made a dive for the nearest bludger, but the British beater got there before he could. With a solemn frown, Ko sped off towards it to try and knock it off course before it could make contact with their chaser.

[B5 > C5, attempting to block Kirke's bludger] @"Elsie Beauregard"

Kaili snatched up the rebound, and with her un injured arm she attempted to make a score!

Attempted score on English @"Elsie Beauregard"

Nakoa continued flying.

[B2 -> B3]

Third time was not the charm, Gus felt strongly, as the bludger careened into her this time despite all her efforts to avoid it. The impact swung her off course for a moment, but she gritted her teeth and pulled herself back on track, hoping Zavala might sweep up the quaffle if the Hawaiians dropped it.
B3 -> B4

gorgeous set by Lady!
Esteban moved to block the shot coming his way once more.

Set by MJ
Coming upon the bludger, Nakoa gave it a hearty thwack that resonated up his swinging arm as the bludger's course was redirected, flying now towards the English seeker. After all, one couldn't catch the snitch with a broken catching arm.

[B3 hit to wherever Cash is]

Ugh. Why was this day feeling so rotten? Kaimana makes the decision to move back to try and prepare just in case the Brits reclaim the quaffle.

C5 -> D4

Well cock. Cash shot leftwards.

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Marcus Lytton

MJ made this!
June 27th, 1890 - Portree Stadium

"Another quick rebound for the Hawaiians and another shot- interrupted by a bludger from Kirke that Kokoikikane - hey I got it right! Successfully redirects but without an actual target manages to hit it right back at Kirke who doesn't see it coming- it's a hit! Ouch that's going to leave a mark. At least the bludgers are working again!

The aimed shot on goal is a miss altogether thanks to the wind! Zavala is on fire today anyway, I wouldn't even try at this point. That gust sweeps through the field and knocks Robins off her broomstick and out of the match!

Doesn't stop that MASSIVE Hawaiian beater from joining the game and taking aim for Lestrange who tries dto dodge, but gets hit and it'll definitely leave some bruising- at least he manages to keep hold of his broom!

Each team is down a chaser- I truly wonder how the rest of this match will go!

0 1 2 3 4 5
A *
C O---  BL     RB KH KB---O

<-- LEFT RIGHT -->
Hawaiian Score Zone British Score Zone

Includes Daily NPC Rolls!
010 Hawaii || Britain 020

* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
**Please Tag @"Elsie Beauregard" with your moderation needs**

The following 2 users Like NPC's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Marcus Lytton

Please contact a member of the staff team if you have an NPC post to go up!

This was more like it; he was starting to redeem himself and it looked like the other team's chaser was headed out of the game even without a direct bludger hit. The English keeper was doing a little too well for Ko's liking, though, so he went after the bludger he'd just deflected and send it his way.

[C5 > B5, attempted hit at Esteban] @"Elsie Beauregard"

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