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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Writing on the Wall
11 March 1890 — Diagon Alley

Ever since the events of the previous week had come into light Diana had to resist the urge to actively pursue any curiosities that came across her path whilst browsing in Diagon Alley. Mrs. Wellington was not very pleased at having to reign in her charge, though from Diana's perspective she didn't quite see why the older woman was so touchy. As a well seasoned (yes almost too seasoned) debutante, she knew society's viewing of her was getting more speculative by the minute, however, there were no questions about her ability to behave. Allegra would say her daughter was many things, but a debutante evading her chaperone was not amongst that list.

Even so, Diana had to bear in mind that Mrs. Wellington was perhaps not the best partner in crime to go exploring in new places with. Tavie would perhaps be a better partner for such adventures, but that would also require Diana to be married for them to go about Diagon Alley without a disgruntled Mrs. Wellington.

Diana shook her head and focused on the task at hand. Tavie was about to have a weekend in Hogsmeade and she intended on getting her a small welcome present. Most shops were familiar, but Diana was intent upon exploring those rather unfamiliar ones. Those remaining of the ones she didn't know were still vibrant and haphazard in outward appearance. One she came across, however, was unmarked.

Various trinkets – those that were beyond Diana's knowledge – hung out in the display window and, much like her attention, the mission for a small present for her sister was momentarily diverted. With Mrs. Wellington in tow, Diana found the door to the place open. "Hello?" she called. A thin layer of dust was absent from the place, which led the debutante to believe it wasn't abandoned in any way shape or form. There was a front desk in place, looking for all intents and purposes like one should be.

More of the curious trinkets hung above her in a quietly rotating mobile whose contents winked at her as they moved in the light. The more she looked at it, the more she got a sense of foreboding; one that told her perhaps she ought to keep her nose where it belonged and not in anyone else's business. To further drive home that thought, the sound of a door slam cracked through the air. Diana shrieked and pivoted on the spot, intent on heading for the door as quickly as she could. An action that was quickly impeded by a figure in front of her, backlit so she could only make out a shadowy figure at the doorway. She shrieked again, cowering against the front desk and slapping a gloved hand over her mouth.
August Echelon-Arnost / @"Cassius Lestrange –

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
Lysander turned six in three days, and August was still not entirely sure what to get him. He was a tenacious little child, stubborn and clever, and he had tendencies towards asthma. So he was trying to find something that was weird, and interesting, and while he had found some toys for his son he had not yet found the gift - something occupying and interesting and large. This was what brought him to the odd store, looking through the available trinkets. This may not be the best place to find something for a child, but August was determined that he would not go home from Diagon Alley today without - something.

He did not mean to scare the woman; in fact, August had just decided to leave when the door in the back appeared to slam. This place was weird. He started at the sound of her screech, nearly dropping his cane in the process.

"Apologies," August said, eyebrows raised. She looked like she was just about to have a heart attack, and he knew that he knew her name, but he could not quite place it. "I was just heading out myself."

Two splotches of pink bloomed on Diana's cheeks as she hastened to right her position. She brushed her hands along the pleats of her dress as she straightened up. "No, no, no, no," she stammered as she put a hand on the desk behind her to steady herself. Her heartbeat fluttered in her house and she took a deep breath to try and calm herself. As she looked up and focused on the man in front of her she pursed her lips slightly; something about him struck her as familiar. Though perhaps that was just the fading adrenaline.

"I'm the one to apologize," she said, a nervous laugh bubbling from her chest. Her hand fluttered up to brush a lock of hair that had fallen loose from her updo. "I'm just being silly and scaring myself, I do apologize for making a ridiculous scene!"

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
"Oh, it happens to the best of us," August said easily. He wished that it was socially appropriate for him to do something regarding her clear panic, but of course he couldn't touch her without flouting roughly seventeen rules of society.

"Although I confess that this place is a little unsettling - Miss Fawley, right?" He had met her, in the way that he had met many of those in their social circle - he was sure that they had been at the same parties once or twice. Although if he had her name wrong, he was going to be horrendously embarrassed.

She breathed a small sigh of relief as he waved away her apology. Well, at least she didn't seem like such a terrified little girl. Breaking through that relief was recognition as he guessed her name properly. She blinked. "Yes," she replied, her voice filled with uncertainty as she looked him up and down.

Now that Diana was quite collected, she stood up straighter as proper ettiquette took over and she remembered her place. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage," The man looked rather familiar, but as someone with the vigorous schedule of a debutante, Diana met many people throughout the day.

The good of this being that despite her not remembering his name, she had the distinct feeling he was an amiable fellow. She offered a smile. "I apologize, I must inquire your name." It began with an H? No, an A.

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
August was startled into a grin. With his cane, and his tendency towards political activity, he was often recognized easily - it was almost a relief to meet a debutante who did not recognize him.

"No worries at all," he said, excusing her for the second time in this conversation. "August Echelon-Arnost."

As soon as the man said his name, Diana was overcome with a secondary wave of well deserved embarrassment. Of course her cheeks flooded with color again and she rose a gloved hand to pat at her cheeks as she attempted to quell her temperature. "Ah!" she replied, her shoulders wilting a fraction. His face was most certainly something she'd seen featured in Witch Weekly a time or two; not to mention someone whom her father had mentioned on occasion.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Echelon-Arnost," she said, smiling back, frankly relieved that he'd indicated the lack of recognition on her part was not something to be taken as an insult. She took a breath, feeling her heart rate (and embarrassment) settle. "I quite agree, this isn't a place I believe I'd normally be drawn towards." She directed her gaze towards the mobile above them and moved towards the door (and him). Her eyes flickered down to his cane and back up. A small seed of guilt planted itself in the pit of her stomach again as she realized she must have startled him as well with her fit of hysterics. "I don't believe it's one of the shops that are normally here, is it?" Diana had the feeling she would know if it'd been regularly on Diagon Alley seeing as it was a shopping spot she and her family frequented throughout her childhood.

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
He was much more comfortable navigating a mystery to be solved than the awkward intricacies of conversation. August's shoulders relaxed.

"I'm not sure," August said. He tilted his head back momentarily to look up at the ceiling, as if that would settle the question. Of course there were no answers written there. "I'm not here often enough to be confident - but it does seem like the sort of store that would just appear."

If it had just appeared, then there was another question: why now, why today? August tapped the tip of his cane against the toe of his shoe. "Did you enter from Diagon Alley?"

He was quite right, Diana thought as she peered around to the door. This wasn't the typical shop one found on Diagon Alley – it rather seemed more like an ominous establishment found on Knockturn Alley. Perhaps two shops got swapped in the recent time turner events? "I did, yes!" she said. "I was hoping to find a present for my sister, I'm seeing her this weekend."

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
"Hm," August said. He was thinking about this store, but politely, he said, "I was looking for something for my ward, for his birthday, I'm afraid it's all odd, though." He gestured, vaguely, with his free hand. She was welcome to look at the items in the store, but he was not even convinced that there was anything normal enough to be worth looking at.

Diana usually had a typical polite smile on her face that debutantes were so trained to keep in their back pockets, but she didn't cloak her bewilderment as she followed his gesture and glanced around the shop. He was right, though she assumed that anyone with a compass for oddities could see this was not a shop for purchasing presents for children or student sisters.

She gave a sigh of resignation. "Perhaps a different store for the both of us, then." She said, eager to get out of the shop.

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
"Absolutely," August said. "Although you may want to double check which alley we exit into." August had no desire to go to Knockturn, generally, but it was a worse place for a debutante than it was for him.

Diana winced at his suggestion. "Oh, you're quite right." She responded, knowing it would be her neck if it got to her mother that she ended up in Knocktourn Alley. Nevermind if she had Mrs. Wellington with her, it wouldn't mind in the end where her mother was concerned. "I believe I saw more appropriate stores at the other end of the street." She said, moving to the door and pushing it open. She turned back towards Mr. Echelon-Arnost and smiled. "If you'd care to join me, I'd be more than honored."

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
Diagon Alley it was, then, or close enough to it that they wouldn't be remarked upon. "Oh, I would love to join," August said brightly, "Let's head off, then."

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