17 March 1895, St Paddy's Day Fest, Silverwand Cauldrons
Officially, Delilah was here to purchase some more cauldrons because she seemed to be running low on them recently. It was meant to be a quick trip, although it didn't mean she couldn't have a little bit of fun while she was here. It would only take a moment, after all. She'd already handed her coin to the attendant and now she was patiently waiting for the person in front of her to pick a cauldron to stick their hand in.
They were taking their sweet time though, so attendant finally motioned her forward. Lila chuckled to herself, eyeing the few cauldrons before deciding to take a closer look at the center one. It was bubbling, each one a different color from the next, although they weren't hot so it wasn't going to hurt if she stuck her hand in. She either was going to get jinxed or make her money back.
Just as she went to put her hand into the cauldron next to her, the cauldron next to her's exploded with a jinx - looks like the person had chosen wrong. Lila squeaked and jumped to the side so she wouldn't be hit by anything. Then her hand flitted to her mouth as she tried not to laugh.